Lesson Plan: Philippine Folk Songs in Translation

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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Elementary English Subject Matter: Grade Level: School: Date/ Time: Materials: Philippine Folk

Songs in Translation (Leron Leron Sinta) Grade 5/6 Tayuman Elementary School, Angono, Rizal March 22, 2012/ 8:00 AM 12:00 NN Board and Chalk, LCD Projector, Compilation of translated folk songs, strips of cartolina

I. Objectives: A. General Objective: To appreciate the Filipino culture and tradition through Philippine folk songs in translation. B. Specific Objectives: 1. To learn about unfamiliar words included in the translations. 2. To supply words deleted from the cloze by listening to the song. 3. To sing the translated song with a group. 4. To translate their chosen Filipino folk song. II. Procedures A. Motivation (5 min.) The teacher presents a video clip of a Korean folk song and tells the pupils a short background about the song. The teacher asks the pupils to sing the song in Korean, in English and in Filipino. The pupils sing the song. B. Unlocking Difficulties (5 min.) The teacher asks a few pupils to look at pictures which were placed by him underneath their chairs before the class. The pupils look at the pictures while the teacher posts strips of cartolina with difficult words written in them on the board. The teacher instructs the pupils to try matching the picture with the appropriate word on the board. The teacher may encourage other pupils to help their classmates match the words with pictures. snap gear

fruit bin





C. Lesson Proper 1. Pre-Listening Activities (2 min) The teacher reads the words and asks the pupils to repeat after him. The pupils pronounce the words properly. The teacher introduces the pupils to the lesson: a. What is a folk song? b. What are some examples of folk songs in the country? 2. During Listening Activities (8 min) The teacher distributes copies of a gap-filled exercise of the song to be played. The teacher plays the song in class twice and asks pupils to fill out the gaps as they listen to the song. Leron, Leron my dear Up the Papaya tree A basket is his gear To hold the fruit with care As he reaches the top Too bad, the branch go snap Leron's bad, bad luck Try to find a stronger trunk. Please wake up now my dear Lets pick some tamarind Please bring the fruit bin

Where riped fruits we'll put it As she reaches the top She grabs the shaky branch Grasp tightly the branch my dear You might slip and drop, I fear. 3. Post Listening Activity (5 min) The teacher checks whether the pupils got the answers correctly. The teacher asks the pupils to sing the song. 4. Discussion (8 min) The teacher asks these questions to the pupils and elicits responses from them. a. What is the title of the song you sang? b. From what tribe in the Philippines did this song originate? c. Who are the characters in the song? d. What did they do? e. What is the song all about? f. What does the folk song say about the lifestyle of the Tagalogs before? g. How would you compare the Filipinos before and today? 5. Valuing (2 min) The teacher asks: How could you become an instrument of the preservation of Filipino culture and tradition? III. Evaluation The teacher will group the pupils. Teachers instructions: Think of a local folk song. Translate them in English, making sure that it follows the melody. Sing the folk song you translated in class. The group which produces an exceptional output will receive a prize.

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