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Subjective Cues: May mga sugat ako dito sa braso pati sa likod, as stated by the client.

Objective Cues: Disruption of the skin surface on the upper extremities and back Wound is 5mm i n diameter. Localized erythema Itchy

Impaired skinintegrity related toinflammatoryrespon se secondaryto infection as evidenced by Disruption of the skin surface on the upper extremities and back

Long Term: After 5 days of nursing in tervention the client will be able to demonstrate absence of wound

-Assess for skin. Note fpr turgor, color and sensation. Described and measure wounds and observe changes.

- Establishes

comparative baseline proving opportunity for timely intervention.

Long Term: After 5 days of nursing in tervention the client was able to demonstrate absence of wound

-Demonstrate good skin hygiene Short Term: (wash thoroughly After 8 hours and pat of nursing drycarefully ) intervention the client will be -Emphasize the able toimprove importance of wound healing adequate nutrition as evidenced by: and fluid intake -minimize presence of wound -Maintain -wound is less appropriate than 5mm moisture environment -minimize itchiness

-Maintain clean, dry skin provides a barrier to infection

-Improve nutrition and hydration will improve skin condition

Short Term: After 8 hours of nursing intervention the client was able toimproved wound healing as evidenced by: -minimize presence of wound -wound is less than 5mm -minimized itchiness

-To assist client with minimizing condition and promote optimal healing

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