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Norms of Conduct: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Commitment to Public Interest Professionalism Justness and Sincerity Political Neutrality Responsiveness to the Public Nationalism and Patriotism Commitment to Democracy Simple Living

Commitment to Public Interest Public officials and employees shall always uphold the public interest over and above personal interest. All government resources and powers of their respective offices must be employed and used efficiently, effectively, honestly, and economically, particularly to avoid wastage in public funds and revenues. How can you show your commitment to public interest? For me, commitment to public interest, based on the definition above, is the valuing of your relationship as a government employee or a civil servant to the public. This is so because once you enter in the government service, a relationship between you and the public is created. It is the showing of concern to the trust and confidence the public reposed in you because we all know that public office is a public trust for which public officers and employees must at all times accountable to the people. There are so many ways for which we can show our commitment to public interest depending on the job that we are in. They may be common and simple but sometimes difficult for others to do. In my case, like any other employee, I always go to the office early and properly attired because I want to see to it that I cannot corrupt the time the government is paying to me. I want my service to be available to the public on time, and also I want to be recognized as such public servant in order to promote good image to public office. I want to do as many things as I could for my everyday work. I refrain from bringing my personal problem in the office because it might cause inefficiency on my part. On the other hand, I sometimes bring office works to the house if necessary to prevent

congestion of work in the office. I am assigned to computer works and with respect to that, I always see to it that my computer and other electric-operated devices are switched off when they are not in-used to avoid wastage of public funds, and I keep my things properly placed so they wont be destroyed and eventually wasted. These are just some of the ways I could probably do to show my commitment to interest of the public and I believe there are still many other ways to show it depending on the job that we are in.

Professionalism Public officials and employees shall perform and discharge their duties and responsibilities with the highest degree of excellence, professionalism, intelligence and skill. They shall enter public service with utmost devotion and dedication to duty. They shall endeavor to discourage wrong perceptions of their roles as dispensers or peddlers of undue patronage How can you become more professional? How can you improve the work you do in the office to improve your service to the public? I am still young in the government service and I am still on the stage of knowing and learning every little aspects of my profession. I am confident with my job because it is within the scope of my expertise. However, being new in this profession, I know that I still have to learn more and I believe I could learn more through actual practice because I consider work experience as one of the important factors for better learning. Being new in the public office, perhaps my initial step is to master or gain more familiarity on the job in which I was assigned so that I would be more confident in dealing with my clients. I will always keep abreast of the new theories and studies that could develop my efficiency in the performance of my job. If I would be given the opportunity to go seminars or trainings, I would grab them especially if those have something to do with my growth as a civil servant and development of my work performance. And of course, I would share everything I would learn from those undertakings to my officemates.

Justness and Sincerity Public officials and employees shall remain true to the people at all times. They must act with justness and sincerity and shall not discriminate against anyone, especially the poor and the underprivileged. They shall at all times respect the rights of others, and shall refrain from doing acts contrary to law, good morals, good customs, public policy, public order, public safety, and public interest. They shall dispense or extend undue favors on account of their relatives whether by consanguinity or affinity except with respect to appointments of such relatives to positions considered strictly confidential or as members of their personal staff whose terms are coterminous with theirs. Can you recall an experience when your honesty was tested? Or when you became a victim of dishonesty? As far as I can recall, my honesty has not yet been tested. Not even before I entered the public office. However long before, I became a victim of dishonesty of a government employee. I was then securing for a copy of my birth certificate at the municipal registry office in my hometown. The person who entertained me was known to me. When he finished filling the necessary information on my birth certificate, he told me to pay to the cashier and reminded me at the same time to pay only P20. So I presumed that was the exact amount for that transaction. However, I was made to pay P50 and the cashier just wrote in the receipt a different kind of transaction to make it appear that I was paying for P50 transaction. I did not bother asking why was it so for it just a P50 but thereafter, I felt guilty of tolerating the deception done to me and worst done by a civil servant. From this experience, I can say that public office is prone to corruption. Some public officers and employees arent trustworthy. They are using their office for some personal interest. Honesty is telling or doing the truth and avoiding from falsity and deception. It is one if not the best character a person should possess because I believe that an honest person will make him a person of dignity and credibility. Honesty is what we need in order to solve the rampant issues of corruption in our country. Graft and corruption has been a long time major problem in our country because our government is surrounded by some public officers and employees who are dishonest.

Being just and sincere is being honest. When you deal with people with justness and sincerity, you are showing to them that you are honest. In our office, I can say that the type of job I was assigned in was not that so situated to where my justness and sincerity would be noticed or questioned. But then I am still doing my best to show to them that I am just and sincere in the performance of my work. Like other employees, I equally treat my clients with courtesy and respect regardless of their tribes or religious affiliation and status in life, and I give them the services they deserved from me with diligence and efficiency.

1. What can you conclude from your story or experience? 2. What can say about honesty? About being just and sincere? 3. How can you show justness and sincerity in the performance of your work?

Political Neutrality Pubic officials and employees shall provide service to everyone without unfair discrimination and regardless of party affiliation or preference. How can you put into practice political neutrality? Political neutrality denotes impartiality. It is the showing of equal treatment to the public in the access for the services of the office in which you are in. In our office, I meet different people from different places and different status of life. Of course, as a public servant, I entertain them with courtesy and respect because I always think that I was in that office to serve them. I never mind thinking from whose constituents they came from for all I want is to extend to them the service that they deserved from me as their public servant. I want them to feel free and comfortable in approaching me and also to other employees. I want to instill to them that our office and any other government offices are very much open to serve them.

Responsiveness to the Public Public officials and employees shall extend prompt, courteous, and adequate service to the public. Unless otherwise provided by law or when required by the public interest, officials and employees shall provide information on their policies and procedures in clear and understandable language, ensure openness of information, public consultations and hearings and whenever appropriate, encourage suggestions, simplify and systematize policy, rules and procedures, avoid red tape and develop an understanding and appreciation of the socio-economic conditions prevailing in the country, especially in the depressed rural and urban areas. How can you show responsiveness? What realizations did you gain from this session? List down below your answer. Every employee may have its own way of showing his or her responsiveness. It may depend on the job assignment of each employee because there are offices which are required to be more responsive than that of the other. In most cases, offices which are very crowded are often required to exert an extra degree of responsiveness so as to meet the needs of their clients. Being assigned to computer works, I can probably show my responsiveness by attending the needs of my clients promptly, by updating them of the new policies in connection with the functions of our office if there be any, by keeping myself abreast of the new concepts or theories that could develop my performance in the office, and I will do my tasks without waiting for its deadline and refrain myself from doing them in a rush. I will set a quota for myself so as to ensure that I could do them at a certain period of time. I will see to it that I can accommodate more clients in a day. Responsiveness is an essential ingredient of public service because it reflects the efficiency and effectiveness of an employee and of public office.

Nationalism and Patriotism Public officials and employees shall at all times be loyal to the Republic and to the Filipino people, promote the use of locallyproduced goods, resources and technology, and encourage appreciation and pride

of country and people. They shall endeavor to maintain defend Philippine sovereignty against foreign intrusion. What does nationalism and patriotism means? My feelings as a Filipino I feel happy and contented to be a Filipino because I strongly believe that we have a lot of things and reasons to be proud of as a Filipino. Like for instance in the field of tourism, we have a lot of world-tourists spots here in the Philippines for us to travel in. In the field of commerce, we have manufacturers of export quality goods which are also known worldwide especially handicrafts products. In the field of sports and entertainment, we have many Filipino athletes and artists who have shown their success worldwide. In terms of natural resources, our country is blessed with so much of it. Another thing I like about our country is that we are governed by a democratic form of government. More importantly, the cost of living here in the Philippine is not that expensive as compared to the cost of living in the other country. How do you feel now for the country? Do you feel a sense of pride for her knowing how powerful Filipinos are as people? How would you show your love for her? How much do you care about her? Despite the fact that our country has been facing so many problems for a long time I still feel glad and thankful to be a citizen of the Philippines because I realized that our country has been a very good place to live in. I strongly believe that Philippine has so much to offer for its inhabitants. It is rich in natural resources. It has a good climate and has a lot of tourist spots which every tourist likes. The people in the Philippines are known for their hospitality not only for the aliens but also for their fellow Filipinos. The fact that our country is facing so many problems is not a reason for us to be down and discouraged because I believe that these problems are curable. The life in the Philippines is very challenging and not that expensive as compared to the other country. For that, I can say that I am proud of her and in return, I will try my best to be a good citizen of her .I will support its Constitution and obey the laws and the legal orders of the duly constituted authorities therein. I will support its economy by patronizing Filipino products and services. I will support its tourism by promoting its tourist

spots and will not be an alien of my own country. And I will fight for her in times of arm struggle.

Enumerate 8 things you can be proud about Filipinos or about the Philippines. (Description) Ex. Filipinos are brave people (Why do you say so?) we have so many great men and women who fought and died for freedom. because Filipinos are very accommodating to their visitors. we have so many tourists spots here like the boracay beach, and so on. Filipinos are known worldwide for their dedication and hard work with their jobs. we have shown to the world our struggle for democracy through revolution. we have so many Filipino talents who became famous around the world. they treasure their friendship under any circumstances. they extend support and offer help to neighbors who are in need. they value the relationship of their relatives.

Filipinos are hospitable

Philippine is a beautiful country

Filipinos are industrious

Filipinos are united

Filipinos are talented

Filipinos are loyal

Filipinos are cooperative (comradeship)

Filipinos have close family ties

Commitment to Democracy Public officials and employees shall commit themselves to the democratic way of life and values, maintain the principle of public accountability, and manifest by deeds the supremacy of civilian authority over the military. They shall at all times uphold the Constitution and put loyalty to country above loyalty to persons or party. Would you write in one paragraph your feelings or insights about the importance of democracy in a free and just society? Democracy is important in a just and free society. In our country, its inhabitants are composed of many tribes belonging to different communities and with different interests and political aspirations. Through democracy, these people may have the opportunity to express and thereafter realized their interests and aspirations by means of representation. In this way, the government is pretty sure that the interests of its inhabitants are well given because of unity of interest. Simple Living Public officials and employees and their families shall lead modest lives appropriate to their positions and income. They shall not indulge in extravagant and ostentatious display of wealth in any form. Write your insights by completing the following sentences. You can come up with as many sentences as you can. I feel sad and worried because I observed that a lot of people nowadays I realize I will

Cases: 1. If you were the official concern, what would you do after knowing the findings of the chemist? How would you show your commitment to public interest in this case? If I were the official concern, I will make a step to stop the undertaking of the development in such place. While it is true that such undertaking will promote

tourism in the Philippines and may accommodate many job seekers, it will nevertheless result to a big destruction of our environment and will eventually affect the health of the people residing near the area. In the Philippines, we are promoting and encouraging sustainable development or a development that is without sacrificing the welfare of the people. This is in consonance with the state policies of protecting and promoting the right to health of the people and advancing their right to a balanced and healthful ecology. The contamination of the water in this case as found out by the chemist was clearly established. As such, it has to be stopped or I could probably suggest a more eco-friendly project for that area. 2. If you were in Ricks shoes, how will you respond to the situation? Will you allow Alonzo to pass through or not? Why and why not? If I were in Ricks place, I will not allow Alonzo to pass through. I will instead confiscate the logs and thereafter explain to him that what he was doing is prohibited and what I am doing in confiscating the logs is purely job and nothing personal. It may be hard for me to do it against him knowing that we are both under a similar kind of job but it is my job that mandates me what should I supposed to do and Ill stick to it. I anticipate that in this kind of job, our security is at stake because I know that some illegal loggers are big people or sometimes protected by influential people. Alonzo may have good purpose for the logs or its equivalent but the fact is he got them in a wrong way and worst, he is a government servant. 3. Do you agree with Glenda? Is whistle blowing to the media acceptable as whistle blowing to an elected national official? Yes, I agree with Glenda. Naturally, when you do the whistle blowing, your safety is definitely at risk because of possible retaliation. But I supposed that for one who has planned and decided to disclose the misconduct of another has already anticipated such circumstance. Misconduct of public officials should not be tolerated or taken for granted especially when the interest of the public is at stake for otherwise, a lot of public officials might tend to follow. Consequently, a greater damage to the public interest might be suffered. I agree with the idea of Glenda of disclosing it to the media so that

the misconduct of the public official concern would be very much exposed to the public and would cause him too much embarrassment. 4. If you were in Ronnies shoes, what would you do? If I were in Ronnies situation, I will return the envelope to Ms. Santos. I will tell her that I cannot accept it because it is unethical and unlawful for a government employee to accept gifts or tokens from their clients by reason of their office. It is unethical because it is against the teaching of the norms of conduct for government employees. On the otherhand, it is unlawful because it is punishable under Article 211 (Indirect Bribery) of the Revised Penal Code. The fact that she was doing so in return of the efficient services I have rendered to her is not a reason because as a public servant, it is my duty to entertain my clients with efficiency and diligence. I will also tell her that what she did was also unlawful because it is punishable under Article 212 (Corruption of Public Official) of the Revised Penal Code. In that way, I could impart her of those matters and hopefully she will never do it again. 5. Which side would you take? Cynthia or Mely? Why? I would take the side of Cynthia. It is indeed true that bringing home some office goods is unethical. Bringing home office goods is a form of corruption. Office goods are public properties because funds for which they were purchased came from the taxes that they have paid to the government and we all know that taxes are the major sources of revenue of the government. As such, public properties, no matter how nominal the value is, should be used only for official business or public purpose. And as a government employee concern, it is our responsibility to keep those properties away from wastage. Melys contention that their office heads were also bringing some office goods is untenable because they were also violating the code of conduct. The misconduct of their heads is personal to them and her misconduct is also personal to her. Meaning there is an individuality of wrongdoing. 6. What can you say about this? Is something legal also automatically moral? What do you think? (case 6)

This case is quite similar to the story of the movie Robinhood wherein the main character of the movie was a thief who does so for the poor. He gives what he gets from stealing to the less fortunate. If we take a look at the situation, the purpose of the PAGCOR is good however it cannot be denied that its means of getting funds for promoting the interests and welfare of the people is a social ill as it is through gambling. So if we weigh the benefit that PAGCOR gives to the public and the bad effect of its operation to the public, I think it will be fine to abolish such office. After all, there are still many options for the government to raise funds for public benefit other than gambling. The government may be generating big income in the creation of the PAGCOR but it lost thinking of the people whose lives became miserable out of addiction in gambling. The fact that the gambling operation of the PAGCOR is legal does not necessarily follow that it is moral. The only reason why it became legal is because it was created by the government probably for the purpose of limiting the operation of gambling other that those allowed by the government. 7. If you were this employee, would you agree with her opinion regarding the CSCs dress Code? If I were an employee, I would disagree with her opinion regarding the CSCs dress code because it is a clear violation on the policy of the Civil Service Commission. While it is true that her wearing accessories came from her own effort or her husbands effort, she is still govern by the rules of conduct of her office and she has to conform to it. We cannot just set aside what people would probably think when they would see us wearing so much of our accessories. They would probably think that we are corrupting the funds of our office. The purpose of the dress code is not to restrict employees from wearing what they would like to wear but to promote good image to public office in conformity with the mandate of the Constitution which states that public officers should lead modest lives. After all they can wear them anytime during weekends. 8. Who do you think between Adora and Josie is right? Between Adora and Josie, I think Josie is right. It is not good for a government employee like Adora to receive gifts or tokens in return of the services she rendered to her clients because in the first place it is her duty to serve her

clients and she should not expect nor accept gifts from the clients because she is being paid out of the government funds. In the government service, receiving gifts or tokens by reason of your office is not only unethical but also an unlawful act. It is unethical because it is against the code of conduct, and it is unlawful because it is punishable under the Revised Penal Code. Adoras contention that they are of nominal value is of no moment because no matter how small the value is, the fact remains that she got them by reason of her job. 9. If you happen to chance upon a government service vehicle parked in the places where you least expect a government official may transact business with, what will you do? Will you take time report to report the incident to the Ombudsman? If not, what will you do? Why? If I happen to chance upon a government service vehicle parked in the places where I least expect a government official may transact business with, I will not take time to report the incident to the Ombudsman. I will think first of my safety and security because I know and I supposed a lot of people know that in our country, your security is at stake when you hit big people and disclose their misconduct especially those in the government service. Nevertheless, I will not tolerate this kind of misconduct. I would probably get the plate number of the vehicle and go to a radio station and let them be the one to disclose it to the public so that such official may be warned of his misconduct. 10. What do you think? Who is right, Roy or his boss? I think nobody is right. It does not follow that you can do what your superior also does especially when the latter is doing an unethical act. Roy and his boss are both similarly situated. They are both government employees and even though they have different position, they are both governed by the same code of conduct and they are both obliged to conform to said code of conduct. I think Roys argument that his home place is quite far from the office is unmeritorious because if I were Roy, I may leave at home earlier than before so I wont be late again. Its just a matter of time management. On the otherhand, Mr. Sanchezs argument that he is superior than Roy and that he do works even during weekends is also unmeritorious because after all he is compensated for such extra services he renders during weekends. It does not

mean that if youre the boss you can do everything even if they are wrong. The fact remains that you are still an agent of the government for the public. The best that Roy and his boss can do is to properly observe and conform to their policies so that no one may question to the practice of another.

Reflection paper: The Philippine Constitution provides that: Public office is a public trust. Public officers and employees must at all times be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and efficiency, act with patriotism and justice, and lead modest lives. This may be the guiding principle in the formulation of the Code of Conduct, internal policies and some other special laws relating to public service. Other than these are the so many concepts and theories about having a good public office. Nothing I can say about the concepts and theories regarding good governance or good public office because I presumed they were formulated for good result and objectives. However, are these laws and policies strictly implemented? Are these theories and concepts put into practice?

What suggestion do you have for improving this DLP curriculum?

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