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Anti hypertensives Cardiovascula r system drugs


Mechanism of action
Not really defined thought to inhibit ACE, preventing conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor. Reduced formation of angiotensin II decreases peripheral arterial resistance, decreasing aldosterone secretion, which reduces sodium and water retention and lowers blood pressure.

Side effects
Dizziness, fainting, headache, malaise,fatigue

Adverse effects
Tachycardia, hypotension, angina pectoris,leuko penia, agranulocyto sis, pancytopenia , anemia and thrombocytop enia

Nursing consideration

Humulin R

Hormonal drugs Anti diabetics and glucagon

Increases glucose transport across muscle and fat cell membranes to reduce glucose level. Promotes conversion of glucose to its storage form, glycogen; it triggers amino acid uptake and conversion to protein in muscle cells and inhibits protein degredation; stimulates triglycerides formation and inhibits release of free fatty acids from adipose tissue; and stimulates lipoprotein lipase activity which converts circulating lipoproteins to fatty acids.

Rash, pruritus, swelling, redness, stinging, warmth at injection site

>Monitor patients blood pressure and pulse rate frequently. > Use cautiously in patients with impaired renal function or serious autoimmune disease especially systemic lupus erythamatosus and in those who have been exposed to other drugs known to affect WBC counts or immune response. >Assess for patients for angioedema. Hypoglycemia, >Monitor patient hyperglycemia, for hyperglycemia hypomagnesia, >Store insulin in hypokalemia, cool area lipoatrophy,lip refrigeration is ohypertrophy, desirable but not hypersensitivit essential except y reactions, with Humulin R and (concentrated) U anaphylaxis 500. >Press but dont rub the site after injection . Rotate injection sites and keep tract to avoid overuse of one area. Diabetic patient may achieve better control if injection site is rotated within same anatomic region

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