213 SQ3R Power Point

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SQ3R: A Study Reading Strategy

English 213 Prof. Shirley Santiago de Jimnez

copyright. January, 2006

What does a person have to develop to be an effective reader?

According to STCR, what 3 habits are essential in order to become an effective reader?
Commit to reading Concentrate on your reading Read actively

To read actively or skillfully you must:

Understand the reading process Utilize strategies that can help you read more efficiently
Maximize reading comprehension Minimize reading time Retain information Improve concentration

What is SQ3R?
A study reading method or technique based on a series of steps It divides the reading process into 3 stages:
Before : Preparation During : Concentration After: Retention

Why use SQ3R? Organized information is easier to remember than information taken in without a plan

The Steps in SQ3R

Survey Question Read Recite Review

Get an overview or general idea about the reading by previewing This helps to activate any previous knowledge we may have
Find out about the author, type of work, and subject Look at the title, subtitles, or headings Look at any visuals (captions, pictures, charts or drawings)

SURVEY (cont.)
Read the first paragraph and the first sentence of each other paragraph Read the last paragraph Look for key words in different print Circle or underline any difficult words as a vocabulary preview Make a PREDICTION about the main idea or central theme
The authors idea or message about the topic of discussion

Remember-dont read all the material! All you want is an idea, so only take a few minutes to conduct your survey! Practice: Food for Luck

Formulate information (Wh) questions on what you have surveyed
These will help you to concentrate or focus while reading! For example: the title, visuals, the first lines of the different paragraphs etc.

Follow the organization of the article!

Practice: Food for Luck

Read thoroughly and actively, focusing on your questions
This gives your reading a purpose

As you read, you can annotate (underline and take notes in the margin)
Writing reinforces what you read

Try to answer the questions you formulated based on what you remember If you have problems, then these are the areas you will pay closer attention to when you review Recite after a long section; repeat information and reread if necessary

Look over the material again but without rereading; go over the questions again Verify your prediction and revise it if necessary
Now that youve read you can determine what the main idea or central theme is

Respond and reflect by connecting the reading to your previous experiences

SQ3R- Food for Luck: New Years Rituals


Prediction: Many people think eating food at New Years brings or symbolizes good luck. Questions: What kind of food is lucky at New Years? How does food control good luck? Why do societies think that certain foods have magical powers? What are lentils? What ties these New Years talismans together? What is the root of these traditions? Why are the symbols self-centered? Why do people connect food and color?

Revised Prediction:

PREPARE Identify author and work Make Predictions Establish Purpose Preread Activate previous knowledge Raise Questions

Survey Question

Before Reading

Read Recite

READ Annotate Monitor comprehension

During Reading


RESPOND Review Reflect

After Reading

Seyler, Dorothy U. Steps to College Reading, 3rd ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2004 Weiner, Harvey and Charles Bazerman. Basic Reading Skills Handbook, 5th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. 2000

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