Coincidence and Probability Judgement 2012

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What is a coincidence? Why might there be an evolutionary advantage in assuming that coincidences have a reason?

What is the relationship between coincidence and probability misjudgement? What is the relationship between coincidence and superstition? Why are pigeons superstitious? In what way? What functions do superstitious beliefs serve?

Explanations for anomalous experience

The role of coincidence and probability

judgements in anomalous experience Explanations for superstitious behaviour and magical thinking Personality factors underlying anomalous experience

Write 5o digits (0-9) in a random order.

Which of these sets of lottery numbers is more likely to come up?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

12, 19, 24, 28, 34, 41

How big a group of people do you need before the chance of two of them sharing a birthday is above 50%?
23, 43, or 98?

How does repetition avoidance identify them? How do they score on belief in the paranormal scales?
What is the validity problem here?

Why do they believe in horoscopes? Why are they taken in by psychic mediums?

Blackmore 100 volunteers aged 12-67 years and got them to assess probability in coin tossing task. Also gave them a belief in the paranormal questionnaire. The goats performed much better. How is this related to the role of coincidence and superstition in paranormal belief?

Notes addressing the questions on your coincidence and probability judgements sheet.

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