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Public Health Service

Centers for Disease Conirol and Prevention

September I,2010

Letter of Recommendation
This letter is intended to serve as a recommendation for Ron Levi. As Chief of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch I worked with Mr. Levi during his tenure as Director of the Detroit Childhood Lead Poisoning Program (CLPPP). This was a difficult period of transition and highly charged political tension for the progrurm and the City.

I was impressed with Mr. Levi's ability to manage the many competing agendas and interests as he worked tirelessly to improve the Detroit CLPPP and ensure that the children of the Detroit received the services needed to protect them from lead poisoning. Mr. Levi fostered an effective collaboration between program staff, the employees' union, decision makers and elected officials, advocacy groups and charitable foundations. His experience in private industry provides him with tools and strategies that are somewhat uncofirmon, but certainly needed, in public health. Because he did not have a public health background, Mr. Levi took every opporfunity to learn about public health and to take advantage of the public health professionals available to him within and outside government. Mr. Levi would be an asset to any public health program fortunate enough to hire him. I am confident that he can meet the challenges inherent in public health and that he is committed to improving the health of children, families and communities.
In conclusion, Mr. Levi showed skill, tact and determination as he managed the transition process and successfully turned a troubled public health program around. He is extremely intelligent and hard working. Perhaps as importantly, he is honest, thoughtful and has a sparkling sense of humor making him a pleasure to work with and well liked by his colleagues. If you would like to discuss this further I can be reached at770-488-7492 or at nlb5@cdc.eov

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Marv Jtiantrown ScD. RN Chief, Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4770 Buford Highway NE MS F60 Atlanta, GA 30341 Phone: 770-488-3300 FaX:770-488-3635

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