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iCreate. iPublish. iPad.

NYSAIS Teaching with Technology Conference April 27, 2011

What is ePub?
Open eBook standard produced by
International Digital Publishing Forum

Readable format for the iPhone, iPad or

iPod Touch through iBooks

Not a PDF but an interactive,

searchable eBook

ePub Benefits
Optimized for iBooks features Supports embedded video Supports iBooks notes Navigation using automatically
generated Table of Contents

Viewable on the iPad

ePub Benefits
Multi-modal: video, audio, text, images Allows for teacher-created content Multi-source textbooks Customizable & editable Integrates journalism, literacy, design,
production, problem solving & trouble shooting

iPad/iBooks required Student/teacher access to iPads Viewable on web (Bookworm, Stanza) Loss of iBook functionality

Curriculum Connections

Spanish III Honors created

Integrates text, audio, images

Reader for Spanish II

Curriculum Connections

Summer Study Tour Focus on Scottish and English authors and poets

Curriculum Connections

Biology Virtual Lab Notebook Inverted/Flipped Classroom

Curriculum Connections

British Literature Sonnets Integrates Audio Files from BBC

Curriculum Connections

Studio Art X Sketchbook Pro App Integrates sketches, reflections

Curriculum Connections
Advanced Physics

Plasma Physics Integrates text, images, video Learning resource for future classes

Creating an ePub
A two-chapter book on the Japan

Integrate text, video, images Question: What discipline-specific

chapter would you add?

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