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His Son

Opened my eyes sitting on the cloud i felt,

It was actually a cloud i was travelling.
It stopped in front of a huge gate,
Guarded with angels smiling and reciting His name.
The gates closed as i entered.
Sitting on the throne was a handsome person.
A cheerful face with glowing fire in His eyes.
He called me HIS SON.
Sat on His lap i cried.
Cos i was taken from earth, He said.
Left behind everything.
He showed me how i was, n what i am now.
Life on earth was a blessing each day,
For GOD gave me things i needed perfectly.
He took care of me when i was sad,
He strengthened me when i was weak,
He healed me when i was hurt.
I literally asked Him Y,
cos i never prayed to Him.
Then why He helped me?
That very moment I could hear,
some voices of cries.
He asked me to listen to these voices.
And I could hear my name in that,
and then I realized, it was my mothers prayers
asking Lord to take care of me for wherever i am.
Tears started flowing.
Out of regret I apologized.
Lord said,
Whenever you cried, your mom cried and prayed.
Whenever you were hurt, your mom was hurt too
and prayed for your safety.
And whatever you are is just because of your moms prayers.
Not all who proclaim my name end up in Heaven
But you are amongst the one I love.
Suddenly cheek was getting wet and sticky,
and realized my dog was licking me
and then i realized i was
on earth and didnt lose anything.
For my dream taught me a lesson..
I never imagined in my life.
And thats how I felt my Lord.
He loves us wherever we are.
He loves the way we are.
He wanted me to be with Him,
So He taught me to pray
through the dream I saw.
And now i can say i am His Son.

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