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Using Web 2.

0 Tools

We have to blend Blooms Taxonomy with /search?q=blooms+taxonom y&view=detail&id=AB492D3 0F6599A9DCACFCE7FAAC7 A29DD5B393D6&first=0&qp vt=blooms+taxonomy&FOR M=IDFRIR

21rst Century Literacies, using Web 2.0 Tools Viscom/gf/21c_literacy.htm

Remembering + Understanding using web 2.0 tools to build proficiency.

Vocabulary Spelling city This site uses 25 interactive learning games and activities to help Kg 5th grade learn vocabulary and spelling.

Remembering + Understanding continued This site is for Pre-K through 2nd grade. It also can be used for Special Education, and ELD, ELL, and ESL. Student use this site to learn reading with phonics.

Lexipedia This site can be used for 6th to 8th grade for building Vocabulary and Grammar.

Understanding and Applying with Collaboration

Into the Book This site can be used to build reading comprehension for Kg through 4th grade. Book Adventure This site is for building reading comprehension for Kg through 8th grade.

Understanding and Applying with Collaboration continued

Gliffy With this site students can share and collaborate to make flow charts or diagrams to explain a story with its characters and plots. Fotobabble Students can use this site to collaborate, share and create a story with pictures.

Analyze and Evaluate


This site is a classroom resource for teachers and students. It offers professional development for teachers, and students are taught skills like collaboration, comprehension, and critical thinking. Some activities include: writing and publishing prose, teaching persuasive techniques used in advertising, and editing checklist for self and Peer editing.

Analyze, Synthesize , Create

Think Quest

Using this site students can collaborate with classrooms around the world on projects or enter international competitions. VoiceThread Students can use this tool to critique, reflect, work on projects and debate and issue.

Ethical responsibilities

Teachers can use the Common Sense Media site to educate students, then have them create blogs to educate others on the ethical issues concerning the use of the internet.

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