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OMDE 607 Divine M.

Eseh Learner and Context Analysis February 19,2006


ABSTRACT This paper proceeds in three stages. First, it begins by discussing and identifying the need for designing an instructional tutorial course in HTML for students enrolled in a nursing program at Lubbock Christian University (LCU). Secondly; it then describes the relevant characteristics of the learners who represent the target population. At this stage their characteristics are examined to see how they may affect the design of instruction. Lastly, the paper examines the characteristics of the work setting or environment. Here information about the organizations resources, and constrains are examined so that Instruction for the course is designed efficiently and effectively. (Morrison, Ross, Kemp, 2004) Part 1: Needs Assessment and Scope of Project The instructor (me) will be teaching a beginning-level course on HTML for a university classroom program at Lubbock Christian University. Students who attend the class are generally undergraduates enrolled in the RN to BSN degree program within the School of Nursing at LCU. At the beginning of class, the instructor does an informal survey of the students current abilities in regards to HTML and Web Page Design and specifically inquires as to whether or not the students have ever created a Web Page with an editor or created Word document. Generally, students respond (confirmed by observation during class) that they are able to perform basic tasks in MS Word, such as opening the program, opening a new document, creating/editing text, saving a document, etc. For the most part, however, they dont know how to create a Web Page with HTML because they have never been shown how to do so. Need or Problem Identification First, as undergrads enrolled in the RN to BSN program, students are often required to create electronic portfolios which usually contain Web pages. Second, some of the students are asked to maintain Web sites for the centers or offices for which they work. Having little or no Web development experience is a set back towards their professional career goals. However, acquiring the necessary training for Web Page Design can be one of the most fundamental skills required for success in their chosen fields. Scope of my Project: The main goal will be to teach undergraduate nursing students the basics of Web Page design. Most of these students have used a web pages before but have no idea how they are designed. At the end of the course tutorial they will know how to create an HTML document and understand the basic principles of creating Web documents. Part 2 : Analysis of Learner Characteristics

Describe general characteristics of target population

The target population consist of undergraduate students who are enrolled in a RN to BSN degree program. These students have particular need for this instruction because they are increasingly expected to use resources on the web as part of their regular course work throughout their college careers. The average class size is 30. The students are racially diverse and range in ages from their mid twenties to mid fifties. Most of the students are working adults employed Fulltime at Covenant Medical Hospital.

OMDE 607 Divine M. Eseh Learner and Context Analysis February 19,2006

Describe general entry behaviors and prior knowledge of learners

The students must have the obvious entry behaviors such as the ability to read, possess acceptable social values and behaviors and be able to follow directions. Students must know how to count and understand a number line. Basic Computer and Internet Skills (the fundamental ability to surf the web/ability to access websites and proficiency with search engines) is a must. In addition all students must be proficient with MS Word. The target group possesses a wide range of abilities and experiences with computers.

Describe the academic motivation of the learners.`

In general, students are motivated to increase work-related skills or skills that will help them meet graduation requirements. In addition, they have the intellectual, psychomotor, and cognitive abilities to complete the tasks. Students attitude towards the instructional content are very positive. They have openly expressed their enthusiasm and are eager to start learning how to create web pages.

Describe learners educational and ability levels.

They have basic computer skills, including general knowledge of the Windows computing environment, as well as the psychomotor skills to utilize input/output devices. They have GPAs above 3 points and have working knowledge of MS Word.

Describe learners general learning preferences.

Most of the students prefer to learn in a user-friendly environment that is student centered. The students prefer hands-on activities and cooperative learning activities that are web-based. Describe how you obtained learner analysis information. Learner analysis was obtained from In-class observation, and informal surveys. Information was also obtained from interviewing teachers. Part 3:Analysis of Context Characteristics

Orienting and Transfer Context:

The students accountability to the project is high since its is directly tied to their graduation requirements. The students perceived utility is very high as they would use the new skills to build their career portfolios upon graduation as well as use those skills to manage their office websites. The computer lab is well equipped with enough computers with the appropriate software There is enough lighting, heating and air condition and enough work space for all 30 students. However, the computer lab is not fully operational during the summer terms. So ID instructors should schedule accordingly.

Instructional Context:

OMDE 607 Divine M. Eseh Learner and Context Analysis February 19,2006

IMPLICATIONS OF CHARACTERISTICS(please see below) IMPLICATIONS OF LEARNER / CONTEXT ANALYSIS KEY TO DATA O=In-class observation S=Informal Survey Category Learners The ID instructor will not have to spend time providing instruction on basic computer operation. Data Source Characteristic Implication(s)

Entry Behaviors


Since the Learners have basic computer operating skills and experience

Prior Knowledge


Because the students come The target to class with an audience has understanding fundamental of Word at a ability to surf basic level, it is the web/ability well within their abilities to to access websites and create a Web Page with an have HTML. editor proficiency with like word pad or search engines) even text pad.

and MS Word.

Attitudes The target audience is motivated to succeed Instructor will perform less coaching.

Motivation Education and Ability



Learners have As a result the the prerequisite learning curve intellectual should be short. skills from which to build

OMDE 607 Divine M. Eseh Learner and Context Analysis February 19,2006

upon. Context Utility Value Orienting and and Transfer Accountability OS Positive and conducive to learning Instructor has less coaching to do. This means that ID instructors should plan lecture scheduling carefully. With the summer constraints in mind.

Instructional Workplace Context.


The physical class room set up is more than adequate for all terms except summer terms

References: Morrison, G.R., S. Ross, and J. E. Kemp. (2004). Designing effective instruction.(4th ed) New York: John Wiley and Sons.

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