Mexican Procedures

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Last Updated 2/19/2004

Procedures for Handling Mexican Production

Communication of Requirements
International Product Management will submit the program offering to Mexico. Mexico will make their selection at an item level. Mexico will submit their selection & quantities to Program Fulfillment (WHQ -Lisa Jones has been appointed the Mexico coordinator). Product manufactured for Mexico WILL be shipped via C boxes from Manufacturing. Production will be coming straight from the JITLs. Osceola will coordinate with other facilities producing Mexico product. It will be staged to minimize transportation costs, unless it is a rush requirement. This will begin with the Christmas 2001 program.

Generation of Sheeting Requests

Plant Code 21 has been designated for use with Mexican Product for shipping and tracking at the plant level. One Big (Dummy) Assortment will be built in MRP. Lisa Jones, Fulfillment Team Coordinator, will build a manual customer order in plant code 21 by holiday to generate Sheeting Requests. This Information will be communicated to Rick Creecy to coordinate at the plant level. As product is sheeted packaging instructions (splits) will automatically download to CIS routing product to 602 Mexico (plant code 21). The ship destination of MEX should not be changed even though the product may first be shipped to Osceola from Bardstown and then to Mexico. (See Stores Procedures below for handling reships)

Shipment of Product to Mexico All Product will be staged in Osceola and shipped from Osceola to Mexico
Osceola Stores will create ST-18's weekly using the 21 Plant Code Stores will receive ST-18s weekly under the 21 Plant Code Stores will physically stage the stock until full truckload shipments or a shipment deadline to Mexico is reached. Shipping Export Clerk will request manual invoice and create export documents Plant Accounting will utilize the manual invoice to book the transfer of dollars. Bardstown Product should be placed on an Osceola Truck On the CRERFISD MRP screen enter in the Reship To Plant field Plant Code 21 for Mexico.

When entire production is complete for a holiday

Rick Creecy will close the customer order in MRP. ISD will be responsible for cleaning out inventory built in Plant Code 21.

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