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Leading global food service retailer with over 30,000 local

restaurants. Founded by Ray Kroc in 1955. Today it is one of the best brands in restaurant industry.


It aims at total customer satisfaction which is achieved

through Q-S-C-V model i.e quality, service,cleanliness and value .

To provide career opportunities that allow employees to

develop their full potential.

Each restaurant is structured as an independent business.
It employees 60 people. Most employees are paid by hour who are reffered as

crew members and other employees. 55% of employees are students. It believes in diversity and has the largest number of minority and females.

Training and development in Mc donalds

It lays a great emphasis on training its employees and spend $1

billon anually. Training institute- hamburger university,1961. Motivation through degrees such as hamburgerology degree. STEPS 1.Orientation and induction: Includes welcome meeting, structured development program, on the job training. It operates through a three week probationary period after which employees are rated and hired accordingly.

2.Developement: Every employee embarks his/her training plan. To increase job competency an employee goes through a 44 shift session through rotations. This stage involves shoulder to shoulder training, elearning modules. The training approach in Mc donalds is based on development competencies using a personal development plan and monitored through observation checklist.

Management development programs: 1. Shift management 2. System management 3. Restuarant leadership 4. Business leadership
Working in the regional office help managers to develop new skills and learn new srategies.

Evaluation of training
Training grade serves as a key indicator in measuring the unit managers performance. Other indicators include: 1. Overall training audit grade. 2. Proportion of fully trained staff. 3. Number of OCLs awaiting completion. 4. Employee satisfaction levels. Through mystery shoppers who pay a monthly visit, they measure the quality service and cleanliness of restaurant. .


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