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Essence of Education See inside the meaning of Education --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Andragogy and Pedagogy as Foundational Theory for Student Motivation in Higher Education

Important Points: = What is motivation? = What is Andragogy & Pedagogy? = Difference between Andragogy & Pedagogy. = What difference is made in adult students motivation if the approach of motivation is wrong (i.e. using pedagogy in the case of adult learner). = Difference in responsibility to motivate a child and an adult learner. = Why College Professors pursue Pedagogy instead of Andragogy? Pedagogy > Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivation (Motivational Considerations in
the Study of Instruction

pdf. See inside: Difference between intrinsic and

extrinsic motivation, and measures to promote intrinsic motivation for learning. ) > Cultural Specificity of Approaches to Studying in Higher Education a
Literature Survey

(for how higher education is biased in favour of surface

learning and against deep learning)

Making Learning Fun pdf. Motivation: 1. Individual Motivation (a) Challenge (b) Goal (c) Uncertain Outcome (d) Performance Feedback (e) Self-esteem (f) Curiosity (g) Control (h) Power (i) Fantasies 2. Inter-personal Motivation (a) Competition (b) Cooperation (c) Recognition

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