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Macbeth Act IV Questions

Scene 1 1. Examine the opening of the scene, prior to Macbeth's entrance. What do you think is the purpose of this scene?

2. How and why has Macbeths attitude toward the witches changed since he first met them?

3. Look carefully at the three prophecies. In what ways does each encourage a sense of false security in Macbeth?

4. How is the last of the witches prophecies different from the first three? Is it as important as the first three?

5. Examine lines 156-157. What is the irony?

6. Why does Macbeth decide to kill Macduffs family? How does this episode develop his character?

Scene 2 7. What does this scene contribute to the development of the events of the play? Give specific examples. 8. Why do you think Shakespeare includes a scene showing the relationship between Lady Macduff and her son?

9. This is the first murder to be committed on stage.

What effect does this have on the audience?

10. Why do you think Shakespeare deems it necessary to

create this effect at this particular point in the play?

Macbeth Act IV Questions (Continued)

Scene 3 11. Explain how Malcolm tests Macduffs loyalty to Scotland. Why does Malcolm need to do this?
12. What do Ross's comments suggest about the state of Scotland under

Macbeth's rule? How does that compare with the current state of England under Edwards rule? 13. Is Rosss presence here consistent with what we learned from and about him in the previous scene? Explain.

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