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Requirements MAS 13 EXAMS IV


Reaction Papers

Silahis Arts and Artefacts There Be Dragons fundraising film (optional) Paper for Shared Inquiry Session

Shared Inquiry Session

Recitation Class standing grade

Projects February Re-inventing the Ethnic Digital or Traditional medium - poster to inform, promote,


AVP project


Exposure Trips

Silahis Arts and Artefacts National Museum San Agustin Church and Museum Manila FAME, SMX (Mar. 14-17) Mt. Batulao (optional) after the finals


Set of Questions for Shared Inquiry Class on Feb. 10, Friday Since you dont participate in class, answer the following questions. Typewritten, short bond-paper. 1) If you were to rate yourself 1 -10 (10 being highest), what grade would you give yourself in terms of being an appreciator or admirer of things that are Filipino. Why? 2) What Philippine things do you like most? You may choose ANYTHING Filipino under the sun (objects, ideas, art, traditions, customs, etc.). Why? And what dont you like? Why? 3) What new discoveries or impressions about Philippine Art have you had since this course started? Explain their significance or insignificance. 4) Are there any social, political, cultural or economic ideas you would like to raise in the light of the discussions we have had in class? For example: What can you say about Ethnic objects being modernized and commercialized today? Would this do the country any good or not? Explain. 5) If you were the DOT, how would you want the Philippine Tourism Slogan to be? What concepts would be effective for the AVPs or promotional materials for your campaign? 6) How do you think can genuine Philippine art and culture be better appreciated and loved by young Filipinos? What could be done? How do you know if something is genuinely Filipino, lets say in the field of arts? 7) Do you think the teacher sounds frustrated with the state of Philippine art and culture today? Why? Where might her frustrations stem from? What advise might you give her so she does not lose hope.

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