1.4 Sense of Taste

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Theme: 5. MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUITY OF LIFE Learning Area: 1. THE WORLD THROUGH OUR SENSES Learning Objective: 1.4 Understanding the sense of taste Learning Outcome: A student is able to: Identify the different areas of the tongue that respond to different taste Relate the sense of taste with the sense of smell Activities: Induction 1. Teacher shows students a 4 minute video. 2. Teacher asks students what are the five senses they see in the video. Exploration 1. Teacher prepares solutions and labelled them following table 1 in attachment1. 2. Students are asked to form 5 groups consist of maximum 5 students. 3. Students are asked to draw a table in their report book as table2 in attachment1. 4. Students are told that they will be trying different foods solutions that have very different and noticeable tastes. This activity should take about 10-15 minutes. 5. Students are asked to rinse their mouth using distilled water. 6. Then, one member in each group is instructed to place a drop of solution labelled A onto the tip of another members tongue. 7. They need to identify the taste of the solution without pulling in his/ her tongue. 8. Mark on a suitable type of taste on the table drawn. 9. Repeat steps 5-8 for other materials. 10. Students are asked to write a simple report or journal about the activity and answer the questions in the text book activity 1.4 page 10. 11. After the activity, students are asked to do activity 1.5 in the text book page 11. Students do not need to write a complete report. They are asked only to write a brief journal in their notes (homework for the last school holiday). Enrichment 1. Teacher uses interactive or suitable PowerPoint presentation to discuss with students about the sense of taste. 2. While discussing, students are asked questions so that at the end of the class teacher knows whether the objective is achieved or not.

Language Focus: Salty, Sweet, Sour, Bitter. Strategy: Inquiry & Discovery, Multiple skills Learning Styles: Independent study, cooperative learning, discussion Values: confident & independent, cooperative, dare to try, critical and analytical Notes: Reflection:


No. 1 2 3 4 5

Materials Salt solution Sugar solution Diluted vinegar Strong black coffee Lemon juice Table1

Label A B C D E

Area of tongue Salty Tip Middle Back

Type of taste Sweet Sour



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