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Origin of T - test

Developed by William Seally Gosset in 1908

Pen name Student hence it is often called the Students t-test.


a basic test that is limited to two groups assesses whether the means of two groups are statistically different from each other gives an indication of the separateness of two sets of measurements

T-test assumes:

a normal distribution

underlying variances are equal

1. t-test for comparing hypothesized and sample means and is unknown

2. t-test for comparing two independent sample means and is unknown

3. t-test for dependent or correlated samples and is unknown

example: (on formula no.1)

The average height of 3rd year high school students in a certain school is 1.52m. A random sample of 26 students were taken and were found to have a mean height of 1.56m with a standard deviation of 0.11m. Are the 26 students in the sample significantly taller than the rest? Test at 0.05 level.

the formula is:

substituitng =1.52, mean=1.56 m, n=26 and =0.11 in the formula.

Origin of the Analysis of Variance

developed by Fisher in 1918

also reffered to as ANOVA or F-test

Analysis of Variance

used to test the significance of difference between means of 3 or more sets of data simultaneously

provides a statistical test of whether or not the means of several groups are all equal

Several procedures for performing ANOVA

One-way ANOVA Multi-factor ANOVA Variance components analysis

General Linear Model

One-way ANOVA
used when there is only a single categorical factor the purpose is to find out whether data from several groups have a common mean

one-way ANOVA form

of the model is

Multi-factor ANOVA

used when there is more than one categorical factor arranged in a crossed pattern

Variance Components Analysis

used when there are multiple factors, arranged in a hierarchical manner

General Linear Model

used whenever there are both crossed and nested factors, when some factors are fixed and some are random, and when both categorical and quantitative factors are present

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