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To Assistant divisional electrical engineer, Operation, samalakota.


Sir, Sub: - ESTT. O&M K.Vamsi Srinevas LM/O/Vetlapalam obsent dutys without leave application etc explanation submitted of Reg. Ref: - 1. Memo. No. AD E/O/SLO/FHC/D.No.342 2. Memo. No. ADE /O/ SLO/ FHC/D.No.389 /2011 Dt.10/02/2012. /2012 Dt.22/02/2012.

In humble Response to the memos above I Submit that as I was suddenly fallen ILL and could not arise an my Own. My Innocent wife and little Children lifted me Physical and get admitted in the Hospital. As they did not know the formalities off writing letters and meeting my hiscer authorities etc they did not attempt to inform. To any body off my helpless Position. As I was not in a state of walking and attechated to the Bed in a Dismayed Condition I too could not do they need full to inform to the afficissialls. In light off the above Physical facts in pry to your kinds to be pleased to consider my case with sympathy for my physical debilities and draft to the proposed disciplinary action etc against me, if any. Iam year with enclosing a medical certificate. In support of my above submissions. Thanking you, Yours fretfully,

Enclosed:1. Leave letter 2. Medical certificate in original

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