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Click to edit Master subtitle style by Manikanta. S (C.S.E) Siddhartha. P (C.S.E) 3/11/12

Introduction Principle How the IDEA took up? Architecture (working) Biometrics Classification Applications of Biometric Systems Limitations Future of Biometrics Conclusion


Biometrics :

Biometrics is the identification or verification of Human identity through the measurement of repeatable physiological and behavioral characteristics

By using biometrics a person could be identified based on "who she/he is" rather then "what she/he has" (card, token, key) or "what she/he knows"(password, PIN). 3/11/12

Principle :
Enrollment principle :

A sample of the biometric trait is captured, processed by a computer, and stored for later comparison.
Verification principle :

In this mode biometric system authenticates a persons claimed identity from their previously enrolled pattern.


How the Idea took up ?

An Idea is nothing but a spark of intelligence Tempting of Science-Fiction(SCI-FI) futuristic Technology

Joao de Barros

Bertillonage Click to edit Master subtitle Richard Edward Henry style



Major components of a biometric system:

n n n n n n

Data collection Signal processing Matching Decision Storage Transmission


Data collecti on Raw data Signal processi ng Extract ed feature s Matchi ng Templ ate Stora ge Mat ch scor e

Applicati on

Authentication decision

Decisi on


Categories of Biometricstwo classes It can be sorted into :


Physiological : They are related to the shape of the body.

Examples- Face, Fingerprints, hand geometry and iris recognition, DNA
Finger Prints

2.Behavor al :

They are related to the behavior of a person. Examples -signature and voice.


Bio-Signature Pen

Classificatio n:
Biometri cs Behavior Physical
Head Face Iris Others (Ear, Retina, Dental) Hand Geometry Hand Signature Voice Others (Gesture, gait, Keystroke)

Finger print

Palm print

Others (finger)


Various Biometrics types:

DNA Fingerprinting Face Recognition Fingerprint Hand & Finger Geometry Iris Scan Retina Scan Signature Verification Voice Recognition


Signature Verification
Physical Activity of Signing: Stroke Order, Pressure applied & Speed measured Used in providing access to Documents, Banking Services, etc

Voice Recognition Based on Shape

& Size of Mouth, Nasal Cavity and Lips

Vocal Tracts,

Used in Phone Based Applications Demerits: Sensitive to noise, Not

appropriate for large scale application

DNA 0.1% DNA would Fingerprintingbe

unique for a

person Identical Twins do not have same Used DNA in Forensic Application, Paternity Determination, etc

Iris Scan
Scans over 200 points of

the Iris Used in ID Cards, Passports, Border Control, Restricted Areas


Hand Hand-scan Scanof thereads the top and sides hands and

fingers, using such metrics as the height of the fingers, distance between joints, and shape of the knuckles.

Fingerprin t A fingerprint image is


read from a capture device, features are extracted from the image, and a template is 3/11/12 created.

Which biometric method / product is best?


Depends on the application

reliability security performance cost user acceptance liveness detection users that are unsuitable size of sensor


Physical access control

n n

To high security areas To public buildings or areas

o o

Time & attendance control Identification

n n

Forensic person investigation Social services applications, e.g. immigration or prevention of welfare fraud Personal documents, e.g. electronic drivers license or ID card


Access control

To devices o Cellular phones o Logging in to computer, laptop, or PDA o Cars o Guns, gun safes To local services o Debitting money from cash dispenser o Accessing data on smartcard

Limitations Of Biometric Systems

Noise in Sensed Data Intra-class Variations Distinctiveness Non-universality Spoof Attacks

Future of Biometrics : Plays a Major role in Private

Industries There will be a popular tendency which can be regarded as a SCIFI technology Biometric is a Future of security which leads to the accurate identification It will Further develops to a 3D face Recognitions Technology and handles the visitors management


Conclusion :

Biometric technology has great potential There are many biometric products around, based on different biometric technologies Shortcomings of biometric systems due to manufacturers ignorance of security concerns lack of quality control


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