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Umbilical vein (oxygenated blood)

Ductus venosus

Inferior vena cava

Right atrium

Foramen ovale

Right Ventricle

Left atrium

Pulmonary artery

Left ventricle

Increased pressure caused by blocked circulation to lungs


Oxygenated blood pass through ductus arteriosus

Systemic circulation

NEWBORN CIRCULATION rs Unoxygenated blood from different parts of the body.

Blood drains to the inferior and superior vena cava.

Blood enters right atrium.

Blood enters right ventricle through the tricuspid valve.

Blood is pushed to the pulmonary artery through the pulmonic valve.

Blood enters lungs for oxygenation

Oxygenated blood enters left atrium through the pulmonary vein.

Oxygenated blood enters left ventricle through the mitral valve.

Oxygenated blood is pushed to the aorta through the aortic valve.

Systemic circulation

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