Harbottle Herald Issue 16 - Spring 2012

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For the 6 residents of Harlotshire Issue 16 Spring 2012

STOP PRESS: HARLOTS ONLINE! Welcome Harlots to the edition of your favourite read. In this edition: - Harbottling Jan & Feb - Harlots online -Harlot Finances - All new ANAGRAM competition! and lots of clip art! Ed Its with great pleasure and much excitement that the Ed confirms the Harlots website is now up and running. But youll know that or you wouldnt be reading this! Some information previously included in the Herald will forthwith be included on the relevant web pages. Your much loved mag will however continue, concentrating on social reports, other Harlot news and the odd competition (and believe me, they will be odd) Thanks to Grand Harlot Council Member Sue for her cracking idea and giving the newly appointed HOWO hours of fun.


Future updates on holiday research, booking, bingeing and partying can be found on the Holiday News page of the website. Below is a picture of the HOHOometer which will be used to input the research votes. When the handle is duly pulled the results will come out of the yellow slot on the top genius isnt it!


SOCIAL SEC STUFF Since the last edition of the HH weve had two socials in Harlotshire. A cracking curry, followed by Monopoly Madness (also featuring Harbottle Cup presentation and belated Secret Santa), also Harbottling by the Wensum, followed by fair dinkum tucker at the Aussie Swan Inn. SSMA is also in full planning mode with 14/15 April penciled in for the next event. See the Social Calendar page of the website for more information and details of all forthcoming events.

After a bit of a hiccup on the lottery finances front it was agreed that the TQFOW would cease forthwith. Dorothy confirmed to the Ed that this has now been carried out. We will consequently have to dream up a new scheme for creating the aforementioned obscene wealth Dorothy has agreed to sell his body for the cause, do I have any offers? Whats that Sue 50p! HARLOT FINANCES UPDATE
It is the Eds understanding that all 2011 holiday debts have now been settled and all standing orders amended to the new amount of 25 per month. Hopefully this will mean that, once Sue has been paid what we owe her for the lottery and if we dont keep dipping in the pot, we will have plenty for this years hols. Dipping can always recommence post hols if theres any change. A Finances page has been added to the website under Holiday News with the intention that our HOTO uploads a regular account statement so were all in the know. The HOWO is not sure how this will work and will consult directly with the HOTO.


Dont forget to put 27th May in your diary Andy, for your Big Day Out at Snetterton and for the rest of the Harlots for dinner afterwards venue to be confirmed nearer the time (on the website Social Calendar of course) ALSO HAPPY MARCH BIRTHDAYS TO DESMOND & THE ADMIRAL (sounds like a 70s pop group)



Hurrah, I hear you cry. Fantastic prize to be won for the first person to e-mail the answer to the following anagram HERBAL THROAT SLOT Good luck! NEXT EDITION: Published Summer 2012. All contributions for inclusion to caroline.walker77@ntlworld.com by 20th June

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