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Graphic Organizer

Graphic Organizer Axia College of University of Phoenix

Graphic Organizer

Business Writing: Steps to Efficient Business Writing


Brainstorming and Planning 1. Analyze the project and the audience 2. Brainstorm information, benefits and objections. Try to come up with at least a dozen ideas. 3. Gather any information needed for the project 4. Make a list and outline the project.


Writing 1. Write 10 minutes without interruption and A. Reread and identify the best points. B. Mark any good points. 2. Repeat the 10 minute free writing process several times A. Identify any additional good points and mark. B. Save all good ideas for draft. 3. Cluster similar ideas together. A. Write topic in center of page and circle it. B. Write ideas the topic suggests and circle them. C. After the page is full, look for patterns and or repeat ideas. 4. Talk to the audience to understand their social and political relationships. 5. Use all the information to develop a draft of the writing.

Graphic Organizer


Revising 1. Look for content and clarity. A. Check for understandably B. Accuracy of information. C. Readability. 2. Check the organization and layout. A. Look for appropriate patterns for intended audiences. B. Transitions and appearance. C. Effectiveness of paragraphs 3. Check the style and tone. A. Positive emphasis. B. Free from bias and sexist language C. Build Goodwill.


Editing 1. Check the structure of sentences 2. Look for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. 3. Check word usage and numbers. 4. Check the words used including any subject/verb and noun/pronoun usage. 5. Proofread the final copy to make sure it is free from any errors and typos. 6. Dont depend only on spell checker and reread for grammar and punctuation errors a spell checker may have missed.

Graphic Organizer


Proofreading 1. Read through once to make sure nothing is left out. 2. Read again to check for any errors that may have been missed in editing. 3. If the writing is too familiar, reread it backwards or out of page order to check for errors. 4. Check numbers, headings, first and last paragraphs, and the readers name. 5. Get feedback from others whenever possible.

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