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Summary: SQL SQL is a tool for organizing, managing, and retrieving data stored by a computer database.

SQL is not itself a database management system (DBMS). It is an integral part of a database management system - a language and a tool for communicating with the DBMS. The name "SQL" is an abbreviation for Structured Query Language. It was originally developed by IBM researchers. Despite of the official ANSI/ISO SQL standards and several other SQL standards, there are many small variations among commercial SQL dialects. SQL lets a user define the structure and organization of the stored data and relationships among the stored data items. SQL is used to retrieve data from the database, using the SELECT statement, update the database by adding new data with the INSERT statement, deleting data with DELETE statement, and modifying existing data with the UPDATE statement. SQL has become the standard database management language across a broad range of computer systems and application areas, including mainframes, workstations, personal computers, client/server systems, data warehousing, and the Internet.

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