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OFFICIAL USE ONLY March 27, 2011 0600 EDT

Briefing Sheet Fukushima Daiichi

Plant status updates: Freshwater injection to Units 1, 2, and 3-believed to be contributing to containment flooding Water in the lower level of the turbine buildings of Units 2 and 3. Water in Unit 1 was pumped into a tank in the condenser bay of turbine building. Reviewing plans to dewater other units. Electrical power to all 6 units. Meggering and testing electrical components continues. MITI issued a press release indicating that two of the workers who received beta burns while laying cables in the turbine building were estimated to receive extremity doses of 200-600 Rem. One train of the spent fuel pool fill system is being deployed to the site. One fresh water barge arrived and one is on its way to the site. The Japanese government has requested help with shielding, removal of spent fuel, and robotics. TEPCO has contracted with the Shaw Company for systems for decay heat removal and debris removal. (Source: Site Team). The NRC Reactor Safety Team has provided a coordinated (GEH, EPRI, INPO, NR, DOE) set of recommendations pertaining to severe accident management strategies to the NRC team in Japan. Chuck Casto and John Monninger travelled to J-Village, productive, but did not lead to the need for any NRC staff to relocate there. Chuck Casto said the top priorities are 1.) flooding Unit 1 containment, and 2) shielding (larger structures surrounding site structures to reduce dose rates at site boundary). RST is developing a matrix with recommended accident strategies for site team to share with TEPCO in order to capture a list of actions and milestones that TEPCO is planning in each of the major areas. The White House has requested a white paper on the safety of US spent fuel storage, both wet and dry. RST is finalizing and will have review by OGC and Chairman's Office. Due to White House by Sunday afternoon. .PMT is preparing a response to a White House question on an apparent discrepancy in the source term used by NRC (will review how RASCAL models the event and if changes are needed to the model, and discuss with OSTP.) The Chairman boarded a flight to Japan on Saturday evening.


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