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Title: PACE Computer College Centralized System System Analyst: Alexis S.

Gaylan Customer Description: An Educational Institution offering courses accredited by TESDA. System Description: PACE Computer College Centralized System will cover the following tasks as follows: a. b. c. d. e. Enrollment (Assessment of grades, subjects, and course) Profile Recording (student profiles) Student Academic Record (SAR) Transcript of Record (TOR) FORM 9 (TESDA candidates for graduation)

The above documentation will produce a report document copy to be given by the Registrar to the students. Searching of students record will be easy by the proposed centralized system. Security will be included in the system. Users Description: The user who will operate the centralized system are the following: a. b. c. d. e. Administrator monitor the students status as well as their outputs. Registrar instant access to all the students profile and other pertinent documents. Academic Head monitor the students grade instantly. Authorized Encoder input students profile instantly. Maintenance Officer check for stability of the system.

Objectives Description: The centralized system is useful to gain easy access to the students record, accurate detail of the grades and other important records for the Registrar and other authorized user of the system. Architecture Description: The type of the system will be a client-server database system. One of the key features of this system is to minimize the clerical works as well as avoid the lost of the student records. No more back logs will be encounter. Each authorized user will have the centralized system installed in their computer, having a username and password to gain access to the centralized system. Proposed Amount: Php 70,000.00 for the proposed centralized system of PACE Computer College. Php 1,500.00 for the maintenance fee (monthly checking of database, security updates). Php 4,500.00 for the reconstruction of modules of the centralized system (change of reports, details, etc.)

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