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For student of VII Grade International Junior High School Of Badiiusy Syamsi Islamic Boarding School

At The Restaurant
Mr. Smith goes to Restaurant, because he wants something to eat. After taking a seat at one of the tables, he calls a waiter

Waiter : Mr Smith : W : Mr S : W Mr S W
Mr S W Mr S W

What Can I bring you sir? Give me the menu, please! Here it is, sir Some soup first, and after that a mutton chop, if it is tender : Very good, sir. Any vegetables with your chop? : Yes, bring me some potatoes with it. : Anything to drink, sir? The wine list is on the back of the menu : Yes, a half bottle of claret, please, and give me some salt and pepper, the soup is tasteless : Any fish before your chop, sir? : No, thank you, I see you have asparagus. Bring me some after my chop. : Yes Sir

Mr S W Mr S W Mr S

: There is no water on the table. Can I have some, please? : Here is the water sir, is the chop to your taste, sir? : Yes, its very tender, thank you. I can eat tough meat : Here is your asparagus. : Ah..I like asparagus very much, please pass me the vinegar and oil. W : Do you want any pudding or cheese, sir? Mr S : No, Thank you, but give me some fruit, please. Have you any cherries? W : No sir, but we have some strawberries Mr S : If they are good, you can bring me some with sugar and cream W : Very good sir, Any coffee sir? Mr S :Yes, a cup of a black coffee and please give me the bill. The waiter brings the coffee and gives Mr. Smith the bill Mr S : How much is it? W : Two pounds sixty five p sir Mr S : Here is a five pounds note. W : Thank you, Sir. He gives Mr. Smith his change. Mr. Smith gives the waiter thirtyfive pounds, and this is the waiter tips. W : Thank you, Sir, good day!!

Chop Tender


Cheese Cherries Bill

Potatoes Claret Tasteless Asparagus Tough vinegar

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