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Jorge Argelles Teacher: Ana Maria Romn English VI

Tooth cracks

Tooth aches can be caused by a number of different oral conditions and many times, dental professionals are needed to identify the source of discomfort.

Tooth cracks

Individuals who experience pain when they chew food may suffer from a cracked tooth that is not outwardly noticeable.

In a recent article published in Pennsylvania, dentist explained different types of tooth cracks, along with methods of treatment.

Tooth cracks

Although crazes may be the most severelooking type of tooth crack, they rarely require treatment.

Dentists may be able to improve the appearance of crazed teeth by using bonding methods or veneers

Tooth cracks

Individuals who suffer from fractures or splits may lose portions of their teeth if the conditions are not addressed.

Tooth cracks

Malkemus said that even small fractures can weaken an entire tooth, along with splits, which extend through the entire length of the structure.

Tooth cracks

He told the news source that tooth extraction procedures are the most common remedy for these issues.

Tooth cracks

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, dentists perform more than 49,000 tooth extractions annually.

Tooth cracks

Anyone who experiences pain while chewing food may consider asking a dentist to evaluate their mouth for cracked teeth.

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