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The Griffith Observatory

Sam Perez
The Violent Universe
Extra Credit Assignment

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When you enter the Observatory and turn left, the hallway is filled with information on seasons, tides, and moons. What excited me was the explanation of tides because we had learned it class. When the gravity of the moon pulls on the Earth, tidal bulges are formed (its the strongest pull occurs on the side of the Earth facing towards the moon).


I felt like a little kid and had a huge smile on my face when I was going through the photographs of the sun. They were so spectacular! I was talking to my friend and identifying the sun spots, solar prominences and solars flares, but he completely ignored me. :|

Chilling with Einstein

The man on the right was explaining how the Tesla Coil worked. He says that the power depends on how distant the object its firing on, meaning the farther the object, the lesser power is given to it by the coil. He also emphasized that the Tesla Coil does not make energy.

I also was reading about the local group and I was thinking to myself, thats where I live! I barely weigh anything in Mercury! I wish I weighed like this on Earth... LOL

Tesla Coil fired up!!

Top left photo: I was jumping on the part of the floor and it registered as an earthquake.

I just took a picture of this monument because I thought it was cool that my first name is on it.

My friend, Christian and I having fun :) it was a long drive to LA

During my visit to the Observatory, I watched a show inside the Samuel Oschin planetarium. It was about the Northern lights and the myths of the Vikings. *** And after about an hour of waiting, my friend and I were the last people who were allowed to go inside the dome and look through the telescope. We saw a constellation, and that was my first time ever using a legit, humongous telescope. *** The whole trip was amazing and Im probably going to visit the Griffith Observatory again :)

Buzz Aldrin!

!e End.

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