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Payroll Spain processing classes:04 1 Assignment to valuation bases 04 2 Procedure for hourly wage and leave 04 3 Storage in RT table

and cumulation 04 4 Processing of total gross amount results 04 5 Create net remuneration and total expenditure 04 6 Transfer of relevant wage types to LRT 04 8 Processing of amounts exempt from employment tax deduction 04 9 PRCL 09 is not currently used 04 10 Identification of wage types for factoring calculation 04 11 PRCL 11 not currently used 04 12 Addition of wage types to variables for averages 04 13 Summary of variables for valuation bases 04 15 Valuation according to principle of averages 04 16 Formulas for creating averages 04 17 Compensation of overtime 04 20 Cumulation and storage at the end of the gross amount part 04 22 Conversion of amounts for wage types 04 24 Control of bank transfers 04 25 Processing at end of payments/deductions -->CYCL.X045 04 29 Tax (D,E) : Take wage types from LRT in IT -->CYCL.S0 () 04 30 Cumulation update -->CYCL.X080 04 31 Assign monthly fixed amounts for cost distribution 04 32 Only used for conversion 04 33 Tax (E): Flow principle for retro. acctg when fiscal year changes 04 35 Shift change compensation for substitutions 04 38 Modification of loan balances 04 40 PRCL 40 is not currently used 04 42 Final processing if gross and net payroll split 04 43 Initial processing of net if G/N 04 44 Import wage types from old pay.account to LRT -->CYCL.Q4 (??) 04 45 Import wage types from VD to IT or vice versa (wage maintenance) 04 46 Processing of time tickets for incentive wage earners 04 47 Special processing of variable payments/deductions 04 48 Automatic special payments 04 61 Guarantee IT for the calculation of company bonus 04 62 Processing of wage types that intervene in the SI prorate 04 63 Factoring of wage types in the event of TI, D.P. 04 64 Wage type cropping in the event of strike 04 65 Additional revenue with/without contribution 04 68 Estimate of total payments for employment tax 04 70 Arrears from previous fiscal years

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