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Control Engineering Midterm Exam 1. 2008.10.20.

Name Neptun code Points

1. The figure shows the block-diagram of a continuous control system:

r(t) R(s) e(t)


C (s)

u(t) U(s)


y(t) Y(s)

. a./ Give the transfer functions between y output and r reference signals, and u control and r reference signals! b./ Draw the approximating Bode curves (amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency curves) if

P( s) =

5 1 + 10 s , C ( s) = . (2 s + 1)(10 s + 1) s

c./ Is the closed loop system stable? Explain your answer! d./ Give the static error of the system in case of step input, velocity input and acceleration input! 5 points

2. Give the definition of phase margin, gain margin and modulus margin. 3. In a closed loop control system the open loop transfer function is which the system is marginally stable.

3 points

L( s) =

(1 + s)3

. Calculate the value of K for 3 points

4. The transfer function of a second order plant is

P (s) =

1 1 + 2 Ts + s 2T 2

Draw its approximating Bode amplitude-frequency curve. Calculate the gain and phase values at Give the poles of the system (with parameters

=1/ T


and T) and draw their location on the complex plane.

4 points

5. Give the Nyquist stability criterion! 6. The transfer function of a plant is P ( s ) =

4 points

K 2s e . The input signal is u = sin t . In steady state the output s

signal is y = 0.5sin(t 120 ) . Calculate the value of

and K !

4 points

7. The transfer function of a linear system is P(s)=5/(1+2s). Give the step response of the system in analytical form. Draw the step response and show its important quantities (steady value, initial value, initial slope). 4 points

8. We apply a negative feedback to an integrator through a constant A gain. What is the value of A if the step response of the closed loop system has T=10 sec time constant. 3 points

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