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Higher Order Linear Differential equations

Higher Order Linear Differential equations Differentiation is important and interesting part of mathematics. We use differentiation process for calculating the rate of particular function with respect to particular variable like f(x) is a function and d/dx(f(x) is a rate of f(x) with respect to x. Now we discuss different type of differentiation equations For understand the different type of differentiation equation we assume a function y = f(x) and when we calculate differentiation of f(x) with respect to x, it produces first order differentiation equation and these type of first order differentiation contains dy/dx and example of first order differentiation equation are if y = sin x, then dy/dx = cos x When we differentiate dy/dx with respect to x, it produces second order differentiation equation and these type of second order equation contains d2y/dx2 form like if y = sin-1 x,
Know More About Derivatives

then d2y/dx2 = x/(1-x2)3/2 When we differentiate d2y/dx2 with respect to x, it produces third order differentiation equation and these type of third order differentiation equation contains d3y/dx3 form like if y = log(sin x), then third order differentiation equation is d3y/dx3 = 2 sin x * cosec3 x Similarly this process continues to produce n order differentiation equation and these type of n order differentiation equation contains dny/dxn form and these type of equations are called as a higher order differential equations. A linear equation which contains these higher order derivatives are called as a higher order linear differential equations.For calculating the higher order differential equations, we use following steps Step 1: First of all we assume given function as a variable like y = f(x). Step 2: After assuming that variable, we differentiate that variable with respect to any suitable variable like we differentiate y with respect to x, it produces dy/dx. Step 3: According to the equation we again differentiate variable with respect to that particular variable like if we differentiate dy/dx with respect to x again, it produces (d2y/dx2), which is a second order differentiation equation.
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Step 4: According to situation, we continue this differentiation until we get our required equation. Step 5: After all differentiate process, we put the values of dy/dx, d2y/dx2, dny/dxn in that equation, which we want to prove. Now we take some examples of higher order differential equation


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