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Read it worth it?

March 9, 2012 Elaine Lee & Jee Young Kim

Make time for Read Aloud!

Developing reading skills, talk work, and content Thinking & Talking 1. Reading Skills
2. Talk & Think Work (turn & talk, stop & jot, discussions)

Turn & talk partners can be flexible

Its okay for students to become animated during read aloud

Students are confirming, clarifying, initiating ideas, and building ideas

Make time for Read Aloud

Encouraged every day Separate time from Reading Workshop We need to become famous mentor reader for our kids

Rich Language
Illustrations are part of language Children are hungry for language

Read Aloud Model

Book 1: Fox by Margaret Wild Book 2: One by Kathryn Otoshi

Books Weve Read Together

Book Recommendations
Wiki Site Read Aloud Book Clubs Poetry

Mentor Texts


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