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Role of vision and mission statements in todays business environment

Presented By: Irfan Saeed

Setting trends globally in the textile industry. Responsibly delivering products and services to our partners.

To deliver value to our partners through innovative technology and teamwork fulfilling our social and environmental responsibilities.

Business Philosophy
Maintaining a Consistent Focus on our Core Business Long-term Vision and Strategies Treating Customers as Partners Building Quality into all Aspects of our Business Globalization Caring for Employees and Being a Good Corporate Citizen

Believes and Values of Business

Believes Women Empowerment Quality Product

Values Integrity Passion Teamwork Creativity

Social and Environmental Responsibility

Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited has striven to become one of the leading companies to actively participate in the social and economical growth of the country.

Providing Working Opportunity Job Training Program Economic Growth

Health & Safety Policy

Business philosophy Vision and Mission

Yes their business philosophy is being reflected in their vision and mission statements. They are constantly providing the same product which they have focused, with innovative changing according to the trend of Globe. They also have long term vision and mission which change according to the requirement of partners, they treat their customers as partners by providing them good quality product. At Gul Ahmed, employees are also happy by getting good salaries and benefit packages. They also understand clearly that the success of their company very much depends on the well-being of the society and the environment where the company is established. It is essential therefore that they give back to society and serve as a model corporate citizen.

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