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Lesson Class Date

: English Club : VIII : February 2012

Academic Year Semester Duration

: 2011-2012 : 2 : 80 minutes

A. Topic Emotions from Unit 7: Science and Luck B. Indicators/Objectives The students are able to use adjectives of emotion for showing sympathy. The students are able to use first conditional (if you are lonely, Ill come to you) in the context of empathy. C. References Energy 3, Longman. Singing Grammar, Cambridge University Press. D. Teaching and Learning Process 1st Meeting No. 1. Activities Introduction Greet the students and check the students attendance. Check the students readiness. Arrange their seats (if it is needed and possible). Review the previous activity. Warm-up game: Popping balloon Main Activities Deletion dialogue activity. T writes a dialogue on the board. Drill each line chorally. Erase one line after each choral drill. Ss repeat the dialogue memory until the whole dialogue has been erased. Ss elicit the dialogue and Duration 15 Method Group discussion




write them down on their notes. T repeats the dialogue. Ss check their recycling dialogue. Ss practice the conversations in a given situation. T draws guideline of the conversation to help. Give Ss practicing time to perform in front of the class. Singing grammar. Ss are given a Songsheet. Ask Ss to fold the Songsheet so they only can see the pictures. Ss predict what the song is about. Play the song. Ss note words they hear and check their predictions. Ss unfold the Songsheet and complete the lyrics. Find adjective words on the Songsheet. (if it is possible Ss may discuss the metaphors found). Sing together Grammar practice. Review/Summary The students review the lesson.


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Approved by Principal of Alfa Centauri

Prepared by Teacher

Ani Mulani

Alifa Binta S

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