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8th March 2012 Dear PYP Parents / Guardians On Wednesday 21st of March 2012, we will be having a student developmental

talk day. The purpose of the meeting is to celebrate the students success through their work as shown in their portfolios and other pieces. We also talk about their progress and their goals. Students are present at the meetings and have an active role. On this day, there will be no school for students. You are invited to register for the developmental talks on the forms in the corridor outside the administration area. In the corridor you will find forms for both the classroom mentors as well as the specialist teachers (Art, Music, P.E., etc.). The forms will go into the corridor from Monday the 12th of March through Friday the 16th of March. At the bottom of this letter, the mentors have indicated whether a specialist is requesting a conference alone or with your child. Of course, you are welcome to request a conference with a specialist whether or not they have requested to meet you. Specialists times are on a first come basis for the 21st March. If you are unable to attend the developmental talks on this day, please contact your childs mentor in order to arrange another time to meet. Some mentors, due to the number of students will, in fact, not be able to see every childs parent(s)/guardian(s) on the 21st March and therefore another day will be arranged. Marilyn James Deputy Principal, PYP Coordinator ISGR

Childs Name: ____________________________________________________ The following specialist(s) request to meet with you on 21st March 2012: .. Please sign up to see them separately

Address ISGR, Guldhedsgatan 6, 413 20, Gteborg,SWEDEN-Phone+46-31-3672930, -Homepage www

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