Chemistry 2 Multiple Choice Questions - Hints

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Chemistry 2 Multiple Choice Questions Hints

AROMATIC CHEMISTRY Q1. Q2. Q3. Q4. Q5. Check the electronic properties of the substituents and their effects on the reaction What group will the reactants substitute on the ring? Where will the reaction take place? What is the reactive intermediate and where will this type of intermediate react? What effect does the NO2 group have on the reactivity of the ring? Check the electronic properties of the substituents and their effects on the reaction

QUANTUM THEORY Q6. Q7. Q8. Q9. Q10. The equation for the photoelectric effect is h = Eo + mv2 The equation for the de Broglie wavelength is = h/(mv) Learn the equations! The probability density of the wavefunction is equal to the square of the wavefunction. What are the equations of the energy levels in each case?

BONDING Q11. Q12. Q13. Q14. Q15. Draw the MO diagram for N2 before attempting. Draw the MO diagram for O2 before attempting. Which molecule is based on a 5-coordinate geometry (VSEPR)? What does u symmetry mean? What does orthogonal mean?

THERMODYNAMICS Q16. Q17. Q18. Q19. Q20. H =U + pV What are the equations for combustion of M and M? A positive entropy change involves an increase in disorder. Need help G =H TS

IONIC SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Q21. Q22. Q23. Q24. Q25. What is ionic screening? What is the strongest type of interaction? I = (cizi2) Ecell = ERHS - ELHS Check the effects of size on solvation and the Grotthaus Mechanism.

CARBONYL CHEMSITRY Q26. Q27. Q28. Q29. Q30. What acts as the nucleophile? What adjacent functional group makes protons more acidic? Which proton is the most acidic and therefore where will the compound be deprotonated by NaOEt? Same as Q28, but also which groups can be decarboxylated? Where will the ring closure take place and how?

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