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Analysis of the opening 2minutes of a thriller.

TASK: -If and how does the titling begin to set for audiences, the mood tone and atmosphere, and possible storyline of the film? -If and how does the titling match the codes and conventions of your chosen sub genre? -What is the duration of the titling, and what do you understand to be the significance of the colour, font style, speed, size, over black/over image, connotations and/or the absence of titles in the opening 2 minutes.

1-Taxi Driver Analysis

Colour- black and red. Has connotations of horror/murder. The dark colours suggests negative- red could suggest blood.

Sound- credits begin on silence then music appears- loud, sudden, shocks and engages the audience. Block fontExtreme close up of a mans eyes- music changes- becomes more mellow and happy.

The black screen is extremely effective as the colour holds connotations of negativity and terror. Audience will also relate the colour black as being associated with horror films. This means that already the audience will be expecting the film to have a dark and scary plot. This is great as from my research, I have discovered that what people want from a thriller is to be shocked and scared. The white writing used against the black background helps to create a very dramatic effect, and aids Hitchcock to grab/engage his audience. Black and white are both very dull colours and so suggest an unhappy and serious plot. As opposed to bright colours that suggest happiness and safety. Audiences would take these dull colours to mean that they are about to be shocked and scared by a dark twisted plot. This fits the conventions of a good thriller perfectly.

The Block capital font is again used for dramatic effect, and helps to engage the audience. Block font holds connotations of official documents and formal writing rather than friendly writing. This suggests seriousness, and a scary storyline. This again suits the conventions of a thriller perfectly as an audience wants to be scared. Lettering is broken up/ fragmented, and then comes together to create a word. This suggests to the audience that the plot will also be given to them in pieces that will eventually come together to make sense. Sound-

3- Panic Room
Sound- slow low suspense building music. Ticking sound- suggests shortage of time. Camera- lots of wide establishing shots of text over a city.


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