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pharmacology- study of interaction of chemicals with living systems -deals w/ study if drugs w/ the ff: a.

history and sources b. physical and chemical properties c. biochemical and physiological effects d. mechanism of action (pharmacodynamics) - what drug does to the body e. distribution f. metabolism g. excretion h. pharmacokinetics- what the body does to the drug i. indications of drugs j. side effects/ adverse reactions penicillin- yeasts- a. fleming objectives 1. to acquire knowledge pertaining to the fate of drugs to the body to the point of entry , till excretion process 2. student should be able to explain basic concepts of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics 3. to present a basic rationale in therapeutic drug 4. manifest ff. VALUES: a. integrity b. critical thinking c. honesty d. empathy e. value for life II. drugs substance that act on living systems at the chemical/ molecular level III. drug receptors molecular components of the body w/c a drug interacts to bring about its effects IV. medical pharmacology study of drugs used for the diagnosis, prevention & treatment of diseasese V. toxicology study of undesirable effects of chemical agents on living systems - area of pharmacology w/c deals w/ the action of industrial pollutants natural organic and inorganic poisons and other chemicals on species. VI. pharmacodynamics actions of ther to the body including receptor interaction, those response phenomena mechanisms toxic actions VII. pharmacokinetics actions of the body on the drug, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excret ion a. elimination refers to the metabolism/ excretion of of a drug b. biodesposition used to describe the process involved in metabolism and excretion.

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