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chap magnetic field n sources of magnetic fields Define magnetic field Define magnetic flux Find magnetic flux

by using formula phi=BA cos theta Find magnetic force, F on a moving charge by using formula F=qvB sin theta(to fi nd magnitude) .. to find direction use your left hand for -ve charge and right h and for +ve charge..( F thumb, v point finger, B middle finger) Find magnetic force, F on a current carrying wire by using formula F=BIL sin the ta for single wire n point, between 2 wires, 3 wires... (for direction use your left hand.. F thumb, B point finger, I middle finger) Find magnetic field on solenoid and loop by using formula.. Find torque , torque= NAIB sin theta.. torque will max when theta = 90... min or zero when theta= 0 or 180 Find magnetic moment, M = AIN chap Electromagnetic induction Define self induction Define mutual induction Define Faraday's law of induction Calculate the induced emf if the change is due to B Calculate the induced emf if the change is due to A Calculate the induced emf if the change is due to theta Define motional emf Calculate motional emf by using emf=BLv Calculate emf induced by generator by using formula emf=NBAw sin wt.. emf induce d is max when sin wt = 1 Calculate the value for emf induced by self induction Calculate the value for emf induced by mutual induction That's all... ALL THE BEST! Baca doa sebelum study, selepas study, b4 n after te st... orait?? usaha tangga kejayaan

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