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Name ________________________________

Group: ___________________

Age of Revolutions Research & Presentation Project

In assigned groups of 4-5, you will research (take notes) and create a presentation, which includes a map, timeline, time capsule and test prep answering 4 key questions & defining the 20-21 key terms. Individual Research & Tasks 1. Day 1: Research Your topic: Each member of the group must research and take notes on 20 -25 key facts, including names & dates, for your area of research. Use your Red Book & print out & annotate 1 excellent secondary source internet article. 2. Day 2: Then meet with your group to: a. Compare/Contrast your 20 key facts, adding others key dates & facts to your list. b. Create 4 open-ended questions (remember what the we just learned about great research questions!!!) c. Think about some of the big ideas germs, Guns & Steel or other patterns that you saw emerging on the 1500s-1700s or even the Guiding Questions from earlier this year. 3. Day 2-5--Each group member must: a. Research 1 question, taking notes in bullet point format on paper or in your NB to be turned in. i. This should be about 1 page of bullet points organized in categories or topics ii. Think about your recent notecard organizations (chronological, topical, special, order of importance, compare contrast etc. ) iii. Use the library books, internet sources, your red book and other handouts iv. Then each member must answer their question in a short paragraph (start with your topic sentence--answers questions & includes a road map), use CDs and commentary and close with a strong closing sentence. This should be saved to a memory stick for the director!!) b. Divide up the key terms so that each person must define 5 /6 key terms : Remember, a complete definition must include a thoughtful tie to your assigned revolution and must not simply be cut & pasted from or the internet. Type these up and bring them in on a memory stick so the director can compile a Team Test Prep. c. Complete 1 Task: Divide & conquer: Besides the research & key term definitions, each person must complete one of the following tasks. d. Cartographer (map maker): i. Create a HAND DRAWN map on 11 x 17 paper. Map is defined in the broadest terms (think about our definitions from the beginning of the year-maps of machines, cities, castles, countries, historical maps of expanding empires, battles etc.). ii. Include the most important map elements clearly labeled with Title, Key, Compass Rose (if applicable) and lots of color It should be beautiful!!!! iii. Annotate the map by describing 8 important events/developments in 2-3 sentences each. (Many maps have paragraphs around the edges see National Geographic style maps).

Name ________________________________

Group: ___________________

e. Historian:

i. Create a timeline (on 11 x 17 paper) of the 14 most important events of your Revolution. ii. Write 2-3 sentences about each topic/event iii. Include 7 illustrations iv. The timeline should be colorful & beautiful.

f. Anthropologist: i. Create a time capsule of 7 objects that represent your Revolution. ii. Include a description of your topic and why you chose it in mini paragraphs
of 4-5 sentences each. iii. The actual time capsule, container, must somehow relate to your revolution.

g. Director: i. Using your teams notes (from their memory sticks), create a fascinating

test prep sheet including the: 1. Research Question paragraphs 2. Definitions of all the key terms organized chronologically ii. The using Word, PowerPoint or Notebook, create a file with 5-7 images (with captions & website sources) to be used during your groups presentation. iii. Help your team coordinate their presentation & act as the MC for your presentation, dressing up as one of the key historical figures from your Revolution and closing the presentation with a one minute summary explaining why your Revolution was important and is still important today!!

PRESENTATION: 1. Your group must present a Dynamic 4-minute Presentation with 1 minute

question and answer session.

2. Share your maps, timeline & time capsule, describing all of the key terms (make sure you divide &
conquer!!!). 3. Include an oral, written & kinesthetic component the audience must DO Something!! 4. Explain all key terms 5. Close with an MC summary of the significance of your Revolution!!!! The six revolutions & Red Book Assignments are: 1. Scientific & Industrial Revolution (pp. 314-315, 338-41) 2. French Revolution 332-335 3. Russian Revolution pp. 360-63 4. Indian Revolution pp. 328-329, 374 5. Cuban Revolution 378-79 & handout 6. Computer, Information Technology Revolution pp. 390-393

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