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Time expressions

After (despus), after a while (despus de un rato), afterwards (despus), as soon as (tan pronto como), at first (al principio), before (antes), by the time (por el momento), earlier (antes), in the end (al final), later (ms tarde), next (luego), then (entonces), until (hasta que), when (cuando), while (al mismo tiempo).

Although (aunque), and (y), as (como), as a result (en consecuencia), but (pero), consequently (por lo tanto), for that reason (por esa razn), however (sin embargo), in order that (con el fin de que), to (para), so (as), so as to (con el fin de).
Opinion essay

Giving opinions: In my opinion/experience, | I (dont) think/believe that | I am sure that | I (dont) agree (with the idea) that | I disagree with the statement | In my opinion, it is true that Giving reasons for your opinions: On the one hand/On the other hand | For example | One reason foris | Firstly... Adding ideas: I also think that | In addition, I believe that | Secondly/Thirdly | Whats more Concluding: In conclusion, (I would say that) | To sum up | All in all Conditional: If we did, the result would be
Text structure (paragraphs)

1) 2) 3) 4)

Introduction: Do you agree with the statement? Why? / Why not? First reasoned opinion Second reasoned opinion Conclusion: summarize the situation now and predict what will happen in the future

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