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GS02-0093 - Introduction to Medical Physics I Basic Interactions Problem Set 1.1 Solutions 1.

(J & C 1-1) A car accelerates at a rate of 5.0 km per hour per sec. Express this acceleration in m s-2. 5.0 km 103 m hr min m = 1.4 hr sec km 60 min 60 sec sec 2

2. (J & C 1-2) A current of 1.0 A flows into a condenser of capacity 100 nF for 5.0 s. Calculate the potential difference between the plates of the condenser.
V = Q It = C C 1.0A 5.0 sec 10 6 A nF V F C = -9 100 nF A 10 F 1 C 1A sec = 5.0 10 V = 50 V

3. (J & C 1-3) A patient is given an x-ray exposure of 200 R. Calculate this exposure in C kg-1. 200 R 2.58 10 -4 C C = 5.16 10 2 kg R kg

4. (J & C 1-4) After a full course of treatment, a tumor received a dose of 4000 rad. Express this dose in Gray, in MeV per g.

cGy Gy 10 2 = 40 Gy rad cGy J eV kg MeV MeV = 25 1010 40 Gy 1 19 3 6 kg Gy 1.6 10 J 10 g 10 eV g MeV = 2.5 1011 g 4000 rad 1

5. (J & C 1-5) A source of 60Co has an activity of 1100 Ci. Express this activity in Bq.
1100 Ci 3.7 1010 Bq = 4.1 1013 Bq Ci

6. A graduate student raises four lead bricks in a bucket (100 pounds) to a third floor window (25 feet) in 15 seconds. Calculate: a. The work done in Joules work = mass g height kg m m = 100 lb 0.454 9.81 2 25 ft 0.305 lb sec ft 2 2 kg m J sec = 3396 1 2 sec kg m 2 = 3396 J b. The power developed in Watts

power =

work time 3396 J W sec = 1 J 15 sec = 226 W

c. The power developed in horsepower 226 W 0.00134 hp = 0.303 hp W

7. Your new Hummer gets 10 miles per gallon of gasoline. Calculate this amount in reciprocal acres. [Optional: With gasoline at $2.50 per gallon, how do you expect to pay for the gas on a graduate student stipend?]
10 mi ft gal ft 2 5280 7.48 3 43,560 = 1.7 1010 acre-1 gal mi ft acre

Note: URLs you might find useful are for conversion factors and for physical constants.

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