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Student Organization Advisor Job Description

The Advisors Role Every registered student organization is required to have an advisor who is a full-time staff or faculty member. The most important responsibility of the advisor is to help the organization reach its goals and objectives. A successful advisor is a listener, an advocate, and facilitator for the organization. Advisors assist the group in its growth and development and provide direction though advice and understanding. An advisor should: Be aware of constitution & bylaws as well as procedures of the organization Be available to the officers and other members of the organization for mentoring and consultation Stay up-to-date on the happenings of the organization Attend the majority of meetings Provide constructive feedback where appropriate Assist the organization in identifying program purpose and content Be able to assist and assist the organization when dealing with problems or issues Travel with and abide by all RHIT travel guidelines when required (see travel waiver packet for travel rules/regulations/procedures)

What the Advisor May Expect from the Organizations Executive Board/Officers While the advisor has many responsibilities to the organization, the organization also has responsibilities to the advisor. An open line of communication as well as mutual respect will ensure a positive advisor/organization relationship. The Executive Board/Officers shall: Keep the advisor informed about all organization activities Have regular meetings/contact with the advisor to keep updated on plans etc Not make any commitments for the advisor without his/her consent Provide meetings from meetings as well as other materials presented to members Keep accurate records and use sound financial procedures

Organizations Can Help Their Advisor By: Making clear the role they would like the advisor to have in their organization Keeping their advisor informed about the organizations plans/activities/issues etc. Providing plenty of notice to the advisor about plans/events/activities

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