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A Project report on Employees satisfaction at JNB STEELS Ltd.



(Session 2010-2012)

Submitted by:
Ashima Bhatia University Roll No. University Regn No.

Vaish College Of Engineering, Rohtak (Approved by A.I.C.T.E Govt. of India & Affiliated to M.D.U., Rohtak)

I deem it my proud privilege to express my indebtedness and sincere thanks to all those who have, in various ways, helped me in the successful completion of the project and without their invaluable help this project would not have been a reality. I am also extremely thankful to who was constant source of knowledge and inspiration at all levels throughout my training. I am also thankful to my friends for their great support during my project. Finally I express my most sincere gratitude to my parents and my family members for supporting and encouraging me to this challenging project. I deeply acknowledge the support and inspiration provided by my academic career.

(Ashima Bhatia)

I, Ashima Bhatia, Roll No. 6, student of M.B.A hereby declare that the Project Report entitled Employee satisfaction in JNB STEELS Ltd. is an original work and the same has not been submitted to any other Institute for award of any degree. The project report was presented to the supervisor of the project. The feasible suggestions have been duly incorporated in consultation with the supervisor of the project.

Signature of the candidate Ashima Bhatia

Theoretical knowledge as well as practical exposure is necessary in a professional degree. Research project help us to get familiar with real environment of business. The research project and title Employees Satisfaction is an original work. I have work done this study in JNB STEELS LTD. The information garnered from employee satisfaction surveys give the management knowledge that directly impacts the bottom line and fosters positive employee relations in any or all of the following ways. Identifying cost-saving opportunities Improving productively Reducing turnover Curbing absenteeism Strengthening supervision Evaluating customer-service issues Assessing training needs Streamlining communication Benchmarking the organizations progress in relation to the industry

This descriptive project report is an attempt to highlight various aspects of employees satisfaction, thoroughly analyzing the reasons of dissatisfaction and finally giving effective suggestions to mgmt for better functioning at Jnb steels ltd.

Table of Contents


Page Numbers

Chapter1. Introduction Introduction about the study Company Profile Objectives of the Study Scope of the Study Swot Analysis Chapter 2. Research Methodology Chapter 3. Data Analysis and Interpretation Analysis and Interpretation Findings Chapter 4. Conclusions and Suggestions Conclusion Suggestions Chapter 5.Limitations Chapter 6. Annexure Questionnaire Bibliography

6-24 7-11 20-21 22-23 24 25-30 31-54 31-53 54 55-58 56 57-58 59-60 61-64 61-63 64




Organization is nothing but a group of people whose activities have been planned & coordinated organization objectives. An organization that exists to produce & services has a good chance to service & prosper it. It consists of right people. The vast majority of people work to support themselves & their families. But people work for many other reasons other than economic security e.g. many also work to keep busy & feel useful, to create & achieve something. They want to gain recognition & achiever status or to test & stretch their capabilities. To meet these multifarious needs, people & organization join forces. The biggest challenge to an the manager is to make all employees contribute to the success of the organization in an ethical & socially responsible way. The society well-being, to a large extend depends on its organization particularly business organization. It is the business organization which makes goods & service available, provided job, generate wealth & land stability & security to the people. To assist employees in achieving their personal goals, at least in so for as these goals enhance the individuals contribution to the organization. Personal objective of employees must be met if workers leave the organization is to be maintained retained & motivated. Otherwise, employee performance & satisfaction may decline & employee may leave the organization. Human resource is the important factor of the organization. If this factor is not satisfied or not work properly then organization cannot achieve their target. For that purpose employees are of ten asked to supply information about the content of job, given their familiarity with it. An organization expects accurate information about the job as well as organization also concerned about the employees reaction to having their jobs analyzed. In order to prevent employee dis-satisfaction uncertainty & anxiety, organization should communicate the reason for conducting the job analysis & keep the employee informed about employee satisfaction process. 7

Employees are the most valuable assets of an organization there should be a conscious effort to realize goals by satisfying needs and aspiration of employees. Organization must meet their goals by which employees feel satisfied in their work lines due to the key strength of the company determined by the human power of the organization. Basically two types of functions performed by HR Manager these are operative & managerial both function are helpful to get the employee satisfaction working in the company.


Operation Functions

Managerial Functions


Wages Nature of work Promotion Chances Supervision Work Group Working Conditions


Operation Functions

Managerial Functions


Wages Nature of work Promotion Chances Supervision Work Group Working Conditions

Employee satisfaction surveys are a perfect tool to a measure and benchmark the satisfaction of employees. Local and productive employees are any businesss , yet few take time to measure their employees satisfaction. Even fewer track how this measure moves over time.


High employee satisfaction levels can reduce employee turnover. Dissatisfied employees tend to perform below their capabilities, result in high turnover of staff and leave their jobs relatively quickly and are not very likely to recommend the company as an employer. Employee satisfaction research give employees a voice and also allow the pinpointing of problematic areas leading to the raising of staff satisfaction levels, developing and reviewing of staff management and optimizing corporate communication. Issues covered include the current workplace situation, management styles/attitudes, internal

communications, workplace atmosphere, corporate culture/vision and image. Employee satisfaction research encompasses many different research techniques but the measurement of satisfaction is only the first step to improving employee satisfaction.

Job Satisfaction is influenced by:

Research done by various researcher show that satisfied, motivated employees will create higher customer satisfaction and in turn positively influence organizational performance. Noticing this trend, many organizations are investing in measuring and quantifying employees opinions and attitudes by incorporating Employees Satisfaction Surveys into their existing HR and organizational processes.

Benefits of Employee Satisfaction:-

More Accurate Perspective:

Organization achieve a more accurate view of current policies and a more clear perspective of issue that are of priority to employees than others, such as benefits versus career development, versus compensation.


Increased Employee Loyalty:

By quantifying and analyzing employee attitudes and opinions, enterprises can identify problem areas and solutions to create a supportive work environment encouraging a motivated and loyal workforce.

Training Needs Assessment:

Employees Satisfaction Surveys aid in developing individual goals and career potential. With more insight into their opinion and attitudes, management can establish professional development initiatives.

Improved Customer Service:

Because motivated employees are critical to improved organizational initiative, such as increasing customer satisfaction, enterprises that value had strive for greater employee satisfaction ultimately create higher customer satisfaction. A comprehensive employee satisfaction process can be keys to a more a motivated and loyal workforce leading to increased customer satisfaction and overall profitability for an enterprise.






Executive : T &D

Executive Admm.

Sr. Executive HR

Sr. Executive EMS

Mgt Trainee T&D

Jr. Executive Payroll

Supervisor Time Office

Mgt Trainee HR

Supervisor Housekeeping




To find out the relationship status between employees and management. To assess the existing satisfaction level of the employees. To check out the satisfaction level of employees regarding the existing HR policies. To find the opportunities for using their knowledge: skills and other competencies. To know whether the current employees welfare programmes are according to the current economic conditions or not.


In this project, Focus is on measuring the satisfaction of employee at is measured in term of various parameters like salary & wages, employee welfare, training & development etc. For student or academicians, it gives the guidelines for conducting such surveys. It assists the management to take corrective actions in order to give maximum satisfaction to their employees. This project provides the basis of innovation, identifies the critical areas to satisfy an employee and , is an aid to decision making.




Research is an art of scientific investigation. It refers to a search for knowledge. The advance Learners Dictionary English lays down the meaning of research as, A careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. The research begins its formation when the problem or objective of the research is identified for which a research report is 17

conducted. The main objective for which this report is carried out is to find out Satisfaction level of employees at JNB STEELS .

Types of research:i) Descriptive:- Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-findings enquiries of different kind. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it exists at present. The main characteristics of this method is that the researcher has no control over the variables; he can only report what has happened or what is happening. ii) iii) iv) Analytical:- In Analytical research, the researcher has to use facts or information already available, and analyze these to make a critical evaluation of material. Applied:- It aims at findings a solution for an immediate problem facing a society or an organization/business organization. Fundamental:- Fundamental research is mainly concerned with generalizations and with the formulation of a theory. Research studies concerning human behaviour carried on with a view to make generlisations about human behaviour is an example of fundamental research. v) Qualitative:- It is concerned with qualitative phenomenon, i.e., phenomena relating to or involving quality or kind. For instance ,when we are interested in investigating the reasons for human behaviour(i.e. why people think or do certain things), we quite often talk of Motivation Research, an important type of qualitative research. vi) Conceptual:- Conceptual research is that related to some abstract idea(s) or theory. It is generally used by philosophers and thinkers tp develop new concepts or to reinterpret existing ones. vii) Empirical:- Empirical research relies on experience or observation alone, often without due regard for system and theory. It is data-based research, coming up with conclusions which are capable of being verified by observation or experiment.


In this present study descriptive type of research is used.

Research Design:A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. In fact, the research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. Different types of Research Design are as follows:1. Research design in case of exploratory research studies. 2. Research design in case of descriptive studies. 3. Research design in case of diagnostic research design. 4. Research design in case of hypothesis-testing research design. In this study Descriptive research studies is used because descriptive research studies are those studies which are concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular individual, or a group and situation etc. and in this report the descriptive research design is used to find out the satisfaction level of employees at JNB STEELS.

The design in such studies must focus attention on the following or process in descriptive research design is as follows:(a) Formulating the objective of the study. (b) Designing the methods of data collection. (c) Selecting the sample (d) Collecting the data. (e) Processing and analyzing the data. (f) Reporting the findings. 19

Sources Of Data:The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research design plan chalked out. Basically two types of data are available to the research namely:

Primary Data:- We collect primary data during the course of doing experiments research but in case we do research of the descriptive type and performs surveys, whether sample survey or census surveys, then we can obtain primary data either through observation or through direct communication with respondents in one form or another or through personal interviews.

Secondary Data:- Secondary data means data that are already available i.e., they refer to the data which have already been collected and analyzed by someone else.

In the present study, primary as well as secondary data has been used.

Sample Design:In most of the research design it becomes almost impossible to examine the entire universe. So the only alternative is to report to sampling. This is true for the present study as well. Basic principles to be followed in sampling are that the sample chosen must be representative of entire universe to be studied. Universe and Survey Population:-


Universe is the set of objective to be studied. It can be finite and infinite. And survey population is a part of universe that represents the whole universe. In this present study universe is 120 and survey population is 100 peoples. Sample Size:In this present study we have taken the sample size of 100 employees to get their views regarding how much they are much satisfied with their job, training provided to them for their future growth and other facilities provided to them. These 100 people included employees of different level working in JNB STEELS. Sampling Method:In the present study, convenience sampling method has been used.

Data Collection Method:In dealing with any real life problem it is often found that data at hand are inadequate, and hence, it becomes necessary to collect data that are appropriate. There are several ways of collecting data which differ considerably in context of a survey, data can be other resources at the disposal of the researcher. Primary Data can be collected through various methods like:

Questionnaire method Observation Method Through Schedules 21

Interview method

In the present study Primary data is collected through Questionnaire. Secondary data can be collected though various methods like: Magazines Newspapers Websites Books

In the Present Study Secondary Data is collected through:

Different Websites Company Journals Books




1.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT THEIR COMMUNICATION WITH SUPERIOR Table-1 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total %age 35 37 8 20 0 100


Strongly Disagree, 0% Disagree, 20% Strongly Agree, 35.00% Neutral, 8%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Agree, 37.00%

Interpretation:35% employees strongly agree that superior communicate to them what they expect and 37% employees are also quite but 8% employees are not agree with this statement and 20% employees are disagree with the statement. 2.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES TAKING INTEREST ABOUT THEIR JOB Table-2 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total %age 20 50 16 14 0 100 Graph-2




Strongly Disagree, 0% Disagree, 14%

Strongly Agree, 20.00%

Neutral, 16%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Agree, 50.00%

Interpretation:- 20% employees states their job are very interesting and 50% employees also quite satisfy with the nature of the job they perform but 16% are neutral and 14% are disagree with interest of job.

3.) SATISFACTION OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT HOLIDAYS PROVIDED BY COMPANY Table-3 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total %age 36 40 8 16 0 100


Strongly Disagree, 0% Disagree, 16% Strongly Agree, 36.00%

Neutral, 8%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Agree, 40.00%

Interpretation:- 36% employees are very much satisfaction with holidays provided by organization and 40% employees are quite satisfied but 8% employees neutral with the statement and 16% employees are dissatisfied with holidays by the company. 4.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT WORKING HOUR Table-4 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total %age 28 50 8 10 4 100



Strongly Disagree, 4% Disagree, 10% Neutral, 8%

Strongly Agree, 28.00%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Agree, 50.00%

Interpretation:-28% employees are very satisfied with their working hour in the organization and 50% employees are also satisfied with working hour, 8% employees are quite satisfied, 10% people are disagree and 4% employees are strongly disagree with their working hour in the organization. 5.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT MODULES Table-5 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total %age 20 30 12 16 22 100



Strongly Disagree, 4% Disagree, 16%

Strongly Agree, 20.00%

Neutral, 12%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Agree, 48.00%

Interpretation:- 20% employees are very much satisfied with training & development Program provided by company and 30% employees are satisfied with training & development 12% employees are quiet satisfied with training & development 16% employees are not satisfied and 22% employees are strongly disagree with training & development program provided by company. 6.) SATISFACTION LEVELOF EMPLOYEES ABOUT AUTHORITY & RESPONSIBILITY Table-6 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total %age 8 64 12 12 4 100 Graph-6


Strongly Strongly Disagree, 4% Agree, 8.00% Disagree, 12%

Neutral, 12%

Agree, 64.00%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Interpretation:- 8% employment are very satisfied with authority & responsibility and 64% employees are satisfied and 12% employee are quite satisfied but 12% employees are dissatisfied with authority & responsibility and 4% employees are very dissatisfied with authority & responsibility and 4% employees are very dissatisfied with authority & responsibility. 7.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT SAFETY MEASURES Table-7 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total %age 12 60 16 12 0 100



Strongly Strongly Disagree, 0% Agree, 12.00% Disagree, 12%

Neutral, 16%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Agree, 60.00%

Interpretation:- 12% employee are very much satisfaction with safety measures. 60% employees are satisfied and 16% employees are quite satisfied and 12% employees are disagree with safety measures provided by organization.

8.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT CO-OPERATION FROM COWORKERS Table-8 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total %age 16 62 12 10 0 100 Graph-8


Strongly Strongly Disagree, 0% Disagree, 10% Agree, 16.00% Neutral, 12%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Agree, 62.00%

Interpretation:-16% employees are very much satisfied with co-operation from their co-workers and 72% employees are satisfied and 12% employees are quite satisfied and10% employees are disagree with co-operation from their c-workers.

9.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT ACTION TAKEN BY SENIOR FOR EMPLOYEES GREIVENCES Table-9 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total %age 16 48 24 8 4 100



Strongly Disagree, 4% Disagree, 8%

Strongly Agree, 16.00%

Neutral, 24%

Agree, 48.00%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Interpretation:-16% employees are very much satisfied with action taken by seniors for employees grievances and 48% employees are satisfied and 24% employees and 24% employees are quite satisfied but 8% employees are dis-satisfied action taken by seniors for employees grievances and 4% employees are very dis-satisfied. 10.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT FEED BACK METHOD USES BY THEIR SENIOR. Table-10 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree %age 16 50


Neutral Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total

16 18 0 100


Strongly Strongly Disagree, 0% Agree, 16.00% Disagree, 18%

Neutral, 16%

Agree, 50.00%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Interpretation:-16% employees are very much satisfied with feed back method used by their senior and 50% employees are satisfied, 16% employees are quite satisfied and 18% people are disagree with feed back method used by their senior. 11.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT SHARE SUFFICIENT INFORMATION ABOUT IMPORTANT METHOD AFFECTING THEM Table-11 33

Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total

%age 8 55 28 9 0 100 Graph-11

Strongly Strongly Disagree, 0% 8.00% Agree, Disagree, 9%

Neutral, 28%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Agree, 55.00% Strongly Disagree

Interpretation:- 8% employees are very much satisfied regarding share sufficient information about important factor affecting them, 55% employees are satisfied, 28% employees are quite satisfied and 9% people are disagree regarding share sufficient information about important factor affecting them.



Table-12 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total %age 8 48 16 24 4 100 Graph-12
Strongly Strongly Disagree, 4% Agree, 8.00% Disagree, 24%

Neutral, 16%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Agree, 48.00% Disagree Strongly Disagree

Interpretation:- 8% employees are very much satisfied regarding work is fairly distributed in the work group, 48% employees are satisfied and 16% employees are quite satisfied but 24% employees are disagree and 4% employees are strongly disagree with the statement. 13.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT REWARDS & RECOGNITION SYSTEM Table-13 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree %age 8 28


Neutral Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total

24 28 12 100 Graph-13
Strongly Disagree, 12% Strongly Agree, 8.00%

Strongly Agree Agree, 28.00%

Disagree, 28%

Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Neutral, 24%

Interpretation:-8% employees are very much satisfied with rewards & recognition system of the company and 28% employees are satisfied 24% employees are quite satisfied but 28% employees are dissatisfied with rewards & recognition system and 12% employees are very dissatisfied. 14.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT CANTEEN FACILITY PROVIDED BY COMPANY Table-14 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree %age 0 36


Neutral Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total

20 16 28 100 Graph-14
Strongly Agree, 0.00%

Strongly Disagree, 28% Agree, 36.00%

Disagree, 16% Neutral, 20%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Interpretation:-36% employees are very much satisfaction with canteen facility provided by company and 20% employees are quite but 16% employees are dissatisfied with canteen facility provided by company and 28% employees are very dissatisfied with canteen facility provided by company. 15.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT SALARY Table-15 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral %age 16 32 8


Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total

32 12 100

Strongly Disagree, 12% Strongly Agree, 16.00%

Disagree, 32%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Agree, 32.00% Disagree Strongly Disagree

Neutral, 8%

Interpretation:-16% employees are very much satisfied with their salary. 32% employees are satisfied and 8% employees are quite satisfied but 32% employee are disagree with their salary and 12% employees are strongly disagree with their salary. 16.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT WORK PLACE Table-16 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree %age 28 40 20 8


Strongly Dis-agree Total

4 100 Graph-16

Strongly Disagree, 4% Disagree, 8%

Strongly Agree, 28.00%

Neutral, 20%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Agree, 40.00%

Interpretation:- 28% employees are very much satisfied with their work place. 48% employees are satisfied and 20% employees are quite satisfied but 8% employee are disagree and 4% employees are strongly disagree with work place.

17.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT PROMOTION POLICY Table-17 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree %age 16 20 20 28


Strongly Dis-agree Total

16 100 Graph-17

Strongly Disagree, 16%

Strongly Agree, 16.00%

Agree, 20.00% Disagree, 28%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Neutral, 20%

Interpretation:-16% employees are very much satisfied with promotion policy. 20% employees are satisfied and 20% employees are quite satisfied but 28% employee are dissatisfied and 16% employee are very dissatisfied with promotion policy.

18.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT THEIR PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Table-18 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral %age 12 52 12


Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total

16 8 100

Strongly Disagree, 8% Disagree, 16% Strongly Agree, 12.00%

Neutral, 12% Agree, 52.00%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Interpretation:-12% employees are very much satisfied with their performance appraisal from their superior. 52% employees are satisfied and 12% employees are quite satisfied with their performance appraisal system but 16% employee are disagree and 8% employee are strongly diaagree with their performance appraisal system. 19.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT WELFARE ACTIVITIES Table-19 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree %age 0 48 16 20


Strongly Dis-agree Total

16 100

Strongly Strongly Agree, 0.00% Disagree, 16%

Disagree, 20%

Strongly Agree Agree, 48.00% Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Neutral, 16%

Interpretation:- 48% employees are satisfied with their welfare activities and 16% employees are quite satisfied but 20% employee are disagree and 16% employee are strongly disagree with their welfare activities.

20.) SATISFACTION LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT THEIR FUTURE GROWTH IN THE COMPANY Table-20 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral %age 12 52 20


Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total

8 8 100

Strongly Disagree, 8% Disagree, 8% Strongly Agree, 12.00%

Neutral, 20%

Agree, 52.00%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Interpretation:-12% employees are very much satisfied about their future growth in the company. 52% employees are satisfied and 20% employees are quite satisfied with their career but 8% employee are disagree and 8% employee are strongly disagree about their future growth in the company . 21.) Satisfaction level of employees about whether the current employeeS welfare prog.s ARE the current economic condition or not. Table-21 Various Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral %age 12 25 15


Disagree Strongly Dis-agree Total

33 15 100

15% 12.00%

25.00% 33%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


Interpretation:-12% employees are very much satisfied with the current employees welfare prog.of the company. 25% employees are satisfied and 15% employees are quite satisfied with the current welfare prog.s but 33% employee are disagree and 15% employee are strongly disagree about the current welfare prog.s..


Local talents needs to be recruited in JNB STEELS. JNB STEELS needs to focus on betterment of society. Training is not made as per new requirement. Promotion and increment policies needs to be revised. Self appraisal is required.


More outdoor tours are needed for training. Management policies are not discussed with every dept. before implementation. Canteens food & snacks are not hygienic of good quality & cheaper rate. Morale building is required. Need to improve information system. Management policy need to be transparent. Need to pay attention on promotion at lower level. Working facilities like gloves, glasses, helmets & fans etc. needs improvement . Convenience facilities need to be provided. Current employees welfare prog.s are not the prevailing economic conditions.




In conclusion it can be said that employees in JNB are satisfied with the communication with their superiors. They are satisfied with their interest of job. They are satisfied with holidays provided to them. They are also satisfied with their working hour of their job. Employees are not so much satisfy with their training and development program provided to them. They are satisfied with the authority and responsibility given to them. Employees in JNB are satisfied with the safety measures used in the organization. They are also satisfied with the co-operation from co-workers. They are also satisfied with the action taken by their seniors for employee grievances. Employees are not satisfied with their reward 47

and recognition system. Food provided in the canteen is not up to the mark. Employees are not so much satisfied with their salary. They are also not much satisfied with their workplace and promotion policy. They are not satisfied with the welfare prog.s.




Promotion practices should be well defined & must be done in practices. Adequate rewards must be given to the employee either rewards may in the form of monitory & non-monitory. Employees must be recognized by their potential or efforts apply in their jobs.


The food provided to the employees must be hygienic & of good quality in course of health of the employees. Incentives must be provided to the employees according to their potential. Adequate welfare prog.s should be adopted by company in according to the current economic conditions. Conflicts should be handled efficiently & proper process should be adopted. Plans made should be strictly implemented it should not be in papers. Company should start its own conveyance facility for the comfort of employees. Company should start medical claim & insurance scheme for each category of employees. Meditation or yoga classes should be started so as to reduce the stress of employee. Theres need to focus more on fulfilling social responsibility towards society.





Sample size does not exactly represent the total population. Language problem while interacting with few south Indian employees. Response from respondents may be different from actual view. Respondents might not disclose actual views.


As the study was conducted at one branch (group) only, result involving may not be true at zonal level.





The questionnaire contains a number of statements related to human resource policies, systems and practices of the organization. The participants are required to choose one option as their response out of five options given for each statement. These option are based on FIVE POINTS SCALE Strongly agree (SA), Agree (A), Neutral (N), Disagree (D) and Strongly disagree (SD). It is assured that individual response would be kept confidential and only the conclusion or common views will be communicated to the top management. Response S. No. Statements


S A 1. 2. 3. My superior communicate clearly as to what is expected of me. My job is interesting enough to perform it well. The number of holidays provided by JNB is sufficient 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Training & development modules are satisfactory The responsibility and authority are clearly defined. The safety measures are sufficient Co-operation from co-workers The senior take immediate & suitable action to redress grievance of subordinate. The senior uses normally feedback method in all these interaction The team member share sufficient information about important method affecting them. Are you satisfied with the work given in the workgroup. Adequate reward & recognition system in the JNB The food & snacks provided in the canteen are hygienic & of reasonably good quality. Is salary is given as per the capabilities of the employees and ability of JNB My work place is neat & clean. Is promotion policy of JNB is well defined & in practice. The good performance always receives praise from superiors. Is welfare prog.s followed are satisfactory My career will have enough growth in JNB




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