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We are conducting a research study that is the part of our market research curriculum.

The purpose of this study is to find out the reasons that why people prefer KFC more than McDonalds. RESPONDENT INFORMATION
1.)Gender Male Female

2.)Age Under20 20 to 30 30 to 50 More than 50

3.)Profession Entrepreneur Employee Student Housewives/men Others (please specify) ___________

4.)Income Less than Rs 10.000

Rs 10, 000 Rs 20,000 Rs 20,000 Rs 30, 000 Rs30, 000 Rs50,000 More than Rs 50,000


5.)What does KFC specialize in? Bar B Q Continental friend chicken Burgers

6.)What does McDonalds specialize in?

Burgers Chicken pieces

Bar B Q

7.)How often you visit KFC?

Once a week Once in 2 weeks Once a month Once in six months

8.)How often you visit McDonalds?

Once a week Once in 2 weeks Once a month Once in six months

9.)Which is better in taste?

KFC McDonalds

10.)Which give more attractive advertisement?

KFC McDonalds

11.)What methods of advertisement do you think are most effective for KFC?

News paper ads TV ads

Bill Boards
1. Which one is considered as a symbol of status? KFC McDonalds Both

2. Which one is more economical in prices? KFC McDonalds Both

3. Which one is easily accessible to you? KFC McDonalds Both

4. Thinking about how you prefer KFC, please note how important the following items are to you in your preference: Not important at all (1) Quantity of meal Price Taste Products Hygiene Slightly important (2) Neutral (3) Important (4) Very important (5)

5. Which one provides better eating environment?

KFC McDonalds

6. Which one is more hygienic?

KFC McDonalds

7. Are you satisfied with the staff services of KFC?

Yes No Neutral

8. Are you satisfied with the staff services of McDonalds?

Yes No neutral

9. Which provides timely home delivery service?

KFC McDonalds both

10. Does KFC provide fresh products?

Yes No Always Sometimes

11. Does McDonalds provide fresh products?

Yes No Sometimes Always

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