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Laplace transform properties

Laplace transform properties Laplace functions can easily be solved with help of Laplace properties. Laplace transform properties are given below: 1. Linearity: All the Laplace function fallow linearity property as: kx1 (t) +mx2 (t) kx1(s) + mx2(s). This process is reversible Delay by t: Whenever function is delayed by t then its Laplace transforms decrease exponentially x(t-T)=X(S)e-st Multiply by t: Whenever we multiply any function by t its Laplace transform we divided it by t with negative sign. tx(t)=-dX(S)/ds Divide by t: Whenever we divide any function by t its Laplace transform multiplied by t with negative sign. x(t)/t=-sx(s) Differentiate in t: Whenever we differentiate the function its Laplace transform multiplied by a variable d/dx(x(t)) =sX(s).
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Relationship to Laplace Transform to other transform Laplace transform rechecks a function into its instance. Relationship of Laplace transform to other transform can be given as: Laplace transform performs on the density of functi... Evaluating Improper Integrals posted on: 21 Feb, 2012 | updated on: 27 Feb, 2012 Integration can be called as improper integration if interval of integration is not finite or integrated function is not continuous in interval and for evaluation of improper integration we use following steps - Step 1: First of all assume any variable for indefinite value of interval like - 01 1 dx , then let t = 0 because at 0, 1 is not continuous . x x Step 2: After assuming variable make limit at value of constant like - lim t1 1 dx t->0 x Step 3: After this calculate limit - lim t1 1 dx = lim [ - 1 ]t1 = lim [-1 + 1 ] = -1 t->0 x t->0 x2 t->0 t2 These three steps are used for evaluating improper integrals .

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