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QUESTIONNAIRE Personal Details (please circle):

1). What gender are you? 2). How old are you? Male Female 19-21 22+



Hobbies and interests (please circle, can circle more than one option):
3). What type of genres do you like? Pop Rock Hip Hop Country Soul R&B Other

4). How do you listen to your music? IPod Radio T.V. YouTube Mp3 Other

5). How often do you read music magazines? Every day or More 2-5 Times a week 6 or more times a week Other

Questions relating to the creation of my magazine:

6). How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine 50p - 1 1.10 - 1.50 1.60 - 2 if other please specify ___________

7).Is there a particular page that you like in a magazine and why? For example an interview with a music artist. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 8). Is there a colour scheme you think would work well for a music magazine with the theme of Pop as the genre. (Please circle)

Vibrant Black & White If other please specify and why? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 9). Out of all the typical features of a music magazine (or any magazine), what would you say is the most important? Why? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 10).What would draw your attention to a music magazine? If other please specify. Title Image Storylines Advertisements Other _______________________

11). Can you rate these fonts to which one you think would suit a music magazine. 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest. (Please circle)

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2

Thank You for your time!

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