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2012 Girl Scout Week Activities

On March 12th we celebrate the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouting! You can earn the 2012 Girl Scout Week Patch by completing at least 5 of the activities listed below. Have your mom or dad check the activity you complete, sign this form and return it by our March 26th meeting.

Sunday 11th
___Where your Girl Scout uniform to church (earn the Girl Scout Sunday patch)

Monday 12th
___Attend the Girl Scout Day Proclamation at Meridian City Hall

Tuesday 13th
___Smile at 10 random people

Wednesd ay 14th
___Give your mom or dad an extra hug today

Thursday 15th
___Prepare for the Forever Green challenge by using only refillable bottles for water ___Be a good friend

Friday 16th
___Go to mypyramid.g ov Learn about choosing healthy foods (and play some games!) ___At school, do a job without being asked to help your teacher out

Saturday 17th
___Do something to help someone without being asked

___Commit to the Forever Green Pledge and choose to reuse!

___Do A Good Turn Daily ~ Do a chore without being asked!

___Tell a friend about your Girl Scout Troop. Invite her to attend a meeting as your guest!

___Make the world a better place ~ Pick up some litter

___Plan a route and take your family on a walk or a hike

___Make some art with recycled items (find

___Turn off the tv and go outside and play!

___Try a new ___Read to ___Provide foodGirl Scout Weekyour little today! food ~ March 2012 ~ Troop 141for sister, wildlife ~ brother, dog Make or fill a

___Donate some old clothes or books to

___Visit http://forgirls. and play

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