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ENG 132 Winter 2012 Assignments, Tuesday, Week 9 Discussion Leader: Rachel, April

Lecture and Discussion, Wise Blood.

Reading: Wise Blood, Chapters 4 - 5

Discussion leaders: Allie Note-taking: As we discuss Wise Blood in class, together we will be compiling a list of themes the class has identified in the reading. As you read, keep a list of themes you see working in the book. (hint: this will be very helpful to you when it comes time to begin your research essay!)

Heads up for next Tuesday! Next Tuesday students will be writing our second in-class essay. Students who miss this class period may make up the essay at a later date for reduced credit. Students will respond to a prompt regarding the first few chapters of Wise Blood. In addition, students should make sure that they are familiar with the elements of fiction we discussed in class today.

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